Archives of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Listing of Documents by Dr. Cheddi Jagan
To access the document you would like to read, copy/paste the # - call number from the following listings into the corresponding box on the search page. If you require a particular year you can type that into the Search box.
This listing includes:
Straight Talk Articles written 1959 -1992.
Observer Articles written 1995-1996
Letters written by Dr. Jagan 1942-1997.
Thunder Articles
Hansard 1947-1992
Speeches, Articles, Interviews 1947-1997
Listing of Documents by Mrs. Janet Jagan
Listing of All Documents
You are welcome to utilize any of Dr. Jagan's and Mrs. Jagan's writings for your personal use, but please remember that they are Copyrighted and are not for Commercial use.
# |
Title |
Date |
226 |
(Straight Talk) 1959 |
1959 |
6813 |
(Straight Talk) 1961 re: Cuba |
1961 |
1486 |
(Straight Talk) 1976 |
1976 |
6810 |
(Straight Talk) 1978 |
1978 |
2261 |
(Straight talk) 25th CPSU Congress - Landmark of Human Progress |
1976 |
5606 |
(Straight Talk) A Church with a Difference |
1966/08/28 |
1992 |
(Straight talk) A Deal with Imperialism |
1968/12/09 |
111 |
(Straight talk) A Democratic and Left Solution Needed |
1989/04/23 |
6943 |
(Straight Talk) A Fair Deal for Sugar Workers |
1977/06/26 |
2584 |
(Straight talk) A Fresh Look at Aid |
1987/12/20 |
4944 |
(Straight Talk) A Living Wage |
1959/12/26 |
1214 |
(Straight talk) A Political Substance |
1966/12/18 |
1216 |
(Straight talk) A Sick Society |
1966 |
1373 |
(Straight Talk) A Transformed Colony |
1967/12/24 |
2575 |
(Straight talk) After the Diagnosis -The Cure |
1987/11/01 |
1207 |
(Straight talk) Agriculture in Ruin |
1966/10/09 |
2540 |
(Straight talk) Agriculture: A Record of Failure |
1987/01/14 |
1348 |
(Straight talk) Aid and Independence |
1967/05/25 |
5254 |
(Straight talk) Aid with Strings |
1965/02/02 |
2330 |
(Straight talk) Aid: Poor Cousin |
1987/10/27 |
1342 |
(Straight Talk) Alliance for Progress |
1967/04/09 |
1212 |
(Straight Talk) An Act of Betrayal |
1966/12/04 |
2499 |
(Straight Talk) An Electoral Farce |
1986/01/26 |
2495 |
(Straight Talk) Anatomy of Electoral Fraud in Guyana |
1986/01/05 |
1357 |
(Straight Talk) Anglo-American Intrigue |
1967/07/02 |
6289 |
(Straight Talk) Are These Fears Genuine? |
1964? |
2486 |
(Straight Talk) Army Voting on Special Day and Proxy |
1985/11 |
2313 |
(Straight Talk) Arrogance of Power |
1978/01/01 |
2066 |
(Straight Talk) ASCRIA's Balancing Act |
1970/03/22 |
6939 |
(Straight Talk) Atmosphere in Venezuela |
1970/10/25 |
2055 |
(Straight Talk) Bag of Tricks |
1969/03/01 |
118 |
(Straight Talk) Balance of Forces |
1972/02/13 |
2490 |
(Straight Talk) Ballot counting at Place of Poll Crucial for Fair Elections in Guyana |
1985 |
2027 |
(Straight Talk) Battle of Ideas |
1969/04/20 |
2068 |
(Straight Talk) Battlelines Drawing Up |
1970/11/22 |
2168 |
(Straight Talk) Between Cuba and the OAS |
1972/11/12 |
5808 |
(Straight Talk) Beware New Greeks Bearing Gifts |
1976 |
2028 |
(Straight Talk) Birds in the Bush |
1969/04/17 |
2038 |
(Straight Talk) Birth Control |
1969/10/05 |
2069 |
(Straight Talk) Black Power or Class Struggle |
1970/05/17 |
2637 |
(Straight Talk) Bleak Future for Caribbean |
1989/02/19 |
2025 |
(Straight Talk) Blight Coast |
1969/04/06 |
1963 |
(Straight Talk) Bourgeois Intellectuals |
1968/07/28 |
2079 |
(Straight Talk) Brazil and Cuba |
1971/12/25 |
1938 |
(Straight Talk) Budget Hits the Poor |
1968/01/21 |
2191 |
(Straight Talk) Budget is Highway Robbery |
1973/12/23 |
2255 |
(Straight Talk) Burnham and Frei |
1975 |
2342 |
(Straight Talk) Burnham Blows More Bubbles |
1979 |
2166 |
(Straight Talk) Burnham Practices Deception |
1972/03/19 |
2532 |
(Straight Talk) Burnhamism Without Burnham |
1986/11/27 |
2071 |
(Straight talk) Capitalist Nationalisation |
1971/03/07 |
80 |
(Straight Talk) Caribia |
1971/11/14 |
1945 |
(Straight talk) Caribbean Unity |
1968/02/25 |
1946 |
(Straight talk) Carifta |
1971/12/12 |
6452 |
(Straight talk) Change or Accommodation |
1966/09/25 |
4595 |
(Straight talk) Chasing After Rainbows |
1987/09/27 |
5474 |
(Straight Talk) Chile |
1973 |
1354 |
(Straight Talk) CIA and Thought Control |
1967/06/11 |
1351 |
(Straight talk) CIA Controls the Trade Unions |
1967/06/04 |
1350 |
(Straight talk) CIA Meddling |
1967/05/28 |
1335 |
(Straight talk) Circuses With-out Bread |
1967/01/29 |
1983 |
(Straight talk) Coalition Denies Freedoms |
1968/11/17 |
2013 |
(Straight talk) Coalition is US Puppet |
1968/06/02 |
1937 |
(Straight talk) Coalition's failure |
1968/01/14 |
1161 |
(Straight talk) Communist Red Herring |
1965/07/04 |
2278 |
(Straight talk) Communism and Religion |
1976/10/10 |
4951 |
(Straight talk) Conference on the Administration for Economic Development |
1959/08/22 |
2321 |
(Straight talk) Confrontation in Iran |
1979/02/11 |
4654 |
(Straight talk) Constitutional Changes Needed |
1990/09/09 |
2550 |
(Straight talk) Contradictions and Development |
1987/04/19 |
1202 |
(Straight talk) Contradictions of Imperialism |
1966/09/11 |
2145 |
(Straight talk) Conversation with Allende |
1973 |
1960 |
(Straight talk) Conversation with Sister Teresa |
1968 |
2205 |
(Straight talk) Cooperative Socialism |
1974/06/09 |
5819 |
(Straight talk) Corrupting the Mass Media |
1984/04/15 |
5353 |
(Straight talk) Corruption - A Way of Life |
1988/05/01 |
2198 |
(Straight talk) Cost-of-living Soars |
1974/04/14 |
2488 |
(Straight talk) Count Votes at Place of Poll |
1985/11/08 |
4675 |
(Straight talk) Crisis and Hardships |
1976/12/25 |
2599 |
(Straight talk) Crisis in the Education System |
1988/03/07 |
5651 |
(Straight talk) Critical Support |
1975/09/14 |
1497 |
(Straight talk) Cuba's Role in the Caribbean Community |
1975 |
83 |
(Straight talk) Cultural Nationalism |
1972/01/09 |
1338 |
(Straight Talk) D'Aguiar's Upside-down Theory |
1967/03/05 |
6825 |
(Straight Talk) Dame Nita: Victim of CARICOM's Conservatism |
1980s late |
1363 |
(Straight Talk) Decadent Free Enterprise |
1967/09/10 |
4163 |
(Straight Talk) Deficit Financing and Development |
1988/09/25 |
2012 |
(Straight Talk) Demba Agency Agreement Confirmed |
1968/09/10 |
2070 |
(Straight Talk) Democracy and Dictatorship |
1970/05/24 |
5881 |
(Straight Talk) Democracy at Work |
1961/06/10 |
2597 |
(Straight Talk) Democracy Can Save Economy |
1988/02/07 |
2446 |
(Straight Talk) Democracy: Form and Content |
1984/12/02 |
2660 |
(Straight Talk) Democratic and Left Trend |
1990/01/28 |
6821 |
(Straight Talk) Democratic and Left Trend Favours Change in Guyana |
1990/01 |
1623 |
(Straight Talk) Democratization and Development |
1988/10/16 |
1970 |
(Straight Talk) Denial of rights |
1968/09/01/ 1968/09/08 |
2280 |
(Straight Talk) Destabilisation, Intervention and Peoples' Militia |
1977/03/13 |
2543 |
(Straight talk) Devaluation is Murder |
1987/03/01 |
2566 |
(Straight talk) Development : The Chilean Experience |
1987/08/08 |
1165 |
(Straight talk) Development Decade |
1965/08/01 |
2564 |
(Straight talk) Development Strategies |
1987/07/31 |
2569 |
(Straight talk) Dictatorship in Haiti and Guyana |
1987/09/13 |
1201 |
(Straight talk) Directives From America |
1966/09/04 |
2082 |
(Straight talk) Dismissals at Sandbach |
1971/11/07 |
2230 |
(Straight talk) Disrupting the Non-Aligned Movement |
1974 |
2102 |
(Straight talk) Distortions and Half-Truths |
1970/04/05 |
2590 |
(Straight talk) Diversification is a Desired Goal |
1987 |
2265 |
(Straight talk) Does Nationalisation Mean Socialism? |
1976 |
2214 |
(Straight talk) Dog Chasing Its Tail |
1974/08/11 |
1152 |
(Straight talk) Don't Black-list Cuba |
1965/02/09 |
1982 |
(Straight talk) Doubletalk in US Politics |
1968/11/10 |
6620 |
(Straight talk) Dr. Gonsalves and That Work Permit |
1980s |
1367 |
(Straight Talk) Economism and Reformism |
1967/10/15 |
5252 |
(Straight Talk) Education in Crisis |
1988/01/13 |
1761 |
(Straight Talk) Election Commission |
1987/05/31 |
2498 |
(Straight Talk) Elections Dogged by Fraud |
1986/01/19 |
4946 |
(Straight Talk) Employer - Government and Capitalist |
1959/12/19 |
2030 |
(Straight Talk) End of an Era |
1969/05/04 |
2571 |
(Straight Talk) End Starvation in Midst of Plenty |
1987/09/21 |
2169 |
(Straight Talk) Ending of an Era |
1972/12/31 |
499 |
(Straight Talk) Enmore Martyrs |
1977/06/16 |
2580 |
(Straight Talk) Equal Security for a Lasting Peace |
1987/12/04 |
4897 |
(Straight Talk) Equality - The Basis of Policy |
1961/07/08 |
1993 |
(Straight Talk) Excuses for Failures |
1968/12/10 |
6757 |
(Straight Talk) Exodus of Guyanese |
1989 |
1362 |
((Straight Talk) Ghettos Exploding |
1967/08/06 |
5294 |
(Straight Talk) Fear of the Future |
1960s |
6756 |
(Straight Talk) Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) |
1989 |
2148 |
(Straight Talk) Fielden's Mania |
1973 |
2132 |
(Straight talk) Fight for Decent Standards |
1972/04/14 |
2630 |
(Straight talk) Fight For Free and Fair Elections Continues |
1988/11 |
1144 |
(Straight talk) Fight the Anti-Communists |
1984/05/20 |
6882 |
(Straight Talk) For a New Zimbabwe |
1980 |
2081 |
(Straight talk) Fortress America |
1971/07/04 |
2588 |
(Straight talk) Forty Years: An Advance |
1987/03 |
915 |
(Straight talk) Free and Fair Elections |
1965/07/11 |
2077 |
(Straight talk) Free Trade |
1971/12/05 |
77 |
(Straight Talk) Free Trade and Development |
1965 |
2527 |
(Straight Talk) From Anti-communism to Détente |
1986 |
1954 |
(Straight Talk) From De-Colonization to Re-Colonization |
1968/05/26 |
1967 |
(Straight Talk) From Truman Doctrine to Johnson Doctrine |
1968/08/11 |
1984 |
(Straight Talk) Frustration, Economism, Reformism |
1968 |
2060 |
(Straight Talk) Gestapo Methods |
1969 |
2277 |
(Straight Talk) Glorious Future Opening Up |
1976/03 |
1334 |
(Straight Talk) Government Axes the Poor |
1967/01/22 |
6805 |
(Straight Talk) Government for the Rich |
1960s late |
2505 |
(Straight talk) Guarantees for Genuine Security |
1986/04/02 |
2040 |
(Straight Talk) Guilt Complex |
1969/10/12 |
1956 |
(Straight Talk) Gunboat and Dollar Diplomacy |
1968/06/23 |
2431 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana a Bed of Thorns (Booklet of Straight talks) |
1984/03/18 |
1440 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana at the Crossroads |
1970s early |
5523 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana in Trouble |
1968/01/28 |
2519 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana is a Caricom Problem |
1986 |
1361 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana is no Model |
1967/07/30 |
2626 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana Reinforcing Neo-colonialism |
1988/10/30 |
2210 |
(Straight Talk) Guyana Smelter |
1974/07/28 |
422 |
(Straight Talk) Guyanese under PNC a Miniature South Africa |
1986/12/21 |
2524 |
(Straight talk) Guysuco Uses Deformed Formula for AP |
1986/09/07 |
2164 |
(Straight Talk) Haiti and Cuba |
1972/01/16 |
4953 |
(Straight Talk) Hats off to Eric |
1959/07/11 |
2453 |
(Straight Talk) Heartless Budget |
1992/04/19 |
2014 |
(Straight Talk) High Cost-of-living |
1968/07/21 |
1209 |
(Straight Talk) Highways to Hell |
1966/11/06 |
4797 |
(Straight Talk) History Absolved PPP Leadership |
1991/05/26 |
6761 |
(Straight Talk) History of Political Parties in Guyana |
1980s |
1167 |
(Straight Talk) Hitting At the History Changers |
1965/08/29 |
6936 |
(Straight Talk) Hold Local Govt. Election Now! |
1978/07/02 |
2548 |
(Straight Talk) Hope for Oil |
1987/05/03 |
1374 |
(Straight Talk) How Free is the West? |
1967/12/31 |
1527 |
(Straight talk) Hoyte's Economic Policies are a Total Disaster for Guyana |
1991/04/21 |
2659 |
(Straight Talk) Ideals: The Stuff of Life |
1989 |
6621 |
(Straight talk) Ideological Pluralism -1983 |
1983 |
6660 |
(Straight Talk) Ideology |
1991 |
6896 |
(Straight talk) IMF - PPP's Position Different from PNC |
1985 |
2625 |
(Straight talk) IMF Leads to Bankruptcy |
1988 |
4830 |
(Straight talk) IMF Medicine is No Cure |
1989/03/05 |
6941 |
(Straight Talk) Implement Water Control Schemes |
1976/10/31 |
2614 |
(Straight talk) Inconsistency in Haiti |
1988/05/29 |
2000 |
(Straight Talk) Independence to Neo-Colonialism |
1968 |
1179 |
(Straight Talk) Independence: Our 5 Demands |
1966/05 |
2579 |
(Straight Talk) India - 40 Years' Struggle for Independence |
1987/11/28 |
2046 |
(Straight Talk) India at Crossroads |
1969/11/23 |
1347 |
(Straight Talk) India Investigating CIA |
1967/05/21 |
4972 |
(Straight Talk) Instead of Battling They Crawl |
1959/05/16 |
2076 |
(Straight Talk) Integration for Whom? |
1971/11/28 |
2633 |
(Straight talk) Intellectual Independence |
1988/12 |
2053 |
(Straight talk) Internal and External Fraud |
1969/01/06 |
2546 |
(Straight talk) International Calamity |
1987/04/02 |
4848 |
(Straight talk) Intervention in Guyana |
1966/06/19 |
6578 |
(Straight Talk) Imperialism and its Agents are Enemies |
1983/08/03 |
2149 |
(Straight talk) Irregularities and Proxies |
1973/06/10 |
6937 |
(Straight Talk) Is the Commonwealth Necessary? |
1971/01/24 |
1180 |
(Straight talk) Is Guyana to be a Link? |
1966/05/22 |
2083 |
(Straight talk) Is the PNC really Anti-imperialist? |
1971/02/07 |
4519 |
(Straight talk) Israel Must Stop Slaughter of Palestinians |
1988/03/13 |
2629 |
(Straight talk) Issues and the US Elections |
1988/11/06 |
2459 |
(Straight Talk) Joe Slovo - A Great Patriot |
1995/01/29 |
1370 |
(Straight Talk) Journey Through the West Indies |
1967/11/12 |
1155 |
(Straight Talk) July 7, 1989 |
1989/07/9 |
2303 |
(Straight Talk) June 11, 1978 |
1978/06/11 |
5241 |
(Straight Talk) Just Ice |
1964 |
2530 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Burnt Down Georgetown/Kaldor and the Present Crisis |
1986/10/26 |
1169 |
(Straight Talk) Kashmir Another Cold War Victim |
1965/09/12 |
6938 |
(Straight Talk) Land to the Tiller |
1978/06/18 |
2174 |
(Straight Talk) LDC's - A Colony Within a Semi-colony |
1973/04/15 |
66 |
(Straight Talk) Lenin and World Revolution |
1970/03/29 |
4947 |
(Straight Talk) Let Mayor Pay $4 a Day |
1959/11/21 |
6629 |
(Straight Talk) Letter from London |
1960s - late |
1213 |
(Straight talk) Liberty in Chains |
1966/12/11 |
4588 |
(Straight Talk) Lies and Distortions |
1983/02/13 |
1436 |
(Straight talk) Lies and Half-Truths |
1978/07/09 |
2656 |
(Straight talk) Lies and More Lies |
1989/09/10 |
1063 |
(Straight Talk) Lies and Slander |
1983/08/10 |
5719 |
(Straight talk) Look Ahead with New Thinking |
1990/08/19 |
1355 |
(Straight talk) Maiming, Murder |
1967/06/18 |
2501 |
(Straight talk) Make Parliament a Deliberative Body |
1986/02/09 |
2024 |
(Straight talk) Many Hungry People |
1969/03/16 |
2701 |
(Straight Talk) March 14,1965 |
1965/03/14 |
1949 |
(Straight talk) Mauritius - An Island at the cross roads |
1968/04/21 |
2301 |
(Straight Talk) May 28, 1978 |
1978/05/28 |
2061 |
(Straight talk) Meaningless Assurances |
1969/11/02 |
1197 |
(Straight talk) Meeting the MRA |
1966/08/07 |
2201 |
(Straight talk) Mere Broken Promises |
1974/04/28 |
2195 |
(Straight talk) More and More Excuses |
1974/03/31 |
1974 |
(Straight talk) More and More Promises |
1968/10/06 |
2447 |
(Straight talk) More Autocratic than Democratic |
1984/12/09 |
2031 |
(Straight talk) More Castles |
1969/05/11 |
2276 |
(Straight talk) More on Differences Between PPP and PNC |
1976/07 |
2044 |
(Straight talk) More Palliatives |
1969/11/16 |
1163 |
(Straight talk) More Production More Profits |
1965/07/18 |
1973 |
(Straight talk) More Promises |
1968/09/29 |
2006 |
(Straight talk) More Propaganda, Less Progress |
1968/12/01 |
1990 |
(Straight talk) More Unemployment |
1968/12/03 |
2317 |
(Straight talk) Murder in Chile |
1978/09/23 |
2064 |
(Straight talk) Need to Chart New Course |
1969/03/23 |
1598 |
(Straight talk) Negro Explosion in America |
1966/07/31 |
2624 |
(Straight talk) Nelson Mandela - A Life of Dedication |
1988/10/02 |
6762 |
(Straight Talk) Neo-colonialism in post-Independence Period |
1980s - late |
921 |
(Straight talk) New Imperialist Strategy |
1972/02/06 |
2654 |
(Straight talk) New North/South Relationship Needed |
1989/08/27 |
6930 |
(Straight talk) New Strategy of Partnership will Fail |
1971/02/14 |
2662 |
(Straight talk) Nicaraguan Revolution |
1990 |
2129 |
(Straight talk) Nixon's Visit to China |
1972/03/12 |
2062 |
(Straight talk) No Changes |
1969/12/07 |
2578 |
(Straight talk) No Progress Without People |
1987/11/22 |
2089 |
(Straight talk) No Taxation Without Representation |
1972/04/09 |
2390 |
(Straight talk) Non-Alignment: Anti-Imperialist in Essence |
1982 |
6580 |
(Straight talk) Non-Alignment: Force for Peace and Liberation |
1982 |
6864 |
(Straight talk) Non-Alignment: Not a Third Force |
1980s |
1217 |
(Straight talk) North West District Passage |
1966 |
2562 |
(Straight talk) OECS - Political Union for Whom |
1987/07/23 |
1356 |
(Straight talk) Oil and Profits |
1967/06/25 |
4976 |
(Straight talk) Oil Shortage |
1959/01/03 |
1980 |
(Straight talk) Only PPP Can Provide the Jobs |
1968 |
1994 |
(Straight talk) Only Radical Changes Can Help |
1968/12/15 |
1962 |
(Straight Talk) Oppose Compulsory Arbitration |
1968/07/14 |
1809 |
(Straight talk) Opportunism |
1969/11/30 |
1075 |
(Straight talk) Opposition killed Independence and Progress |
1964/11/10 |
1154 |
(Straight talk) Optimism and Pessimism |
1965/03/07 |
4907 |
(Straight talk) Our Aims and Objectives |
1961-05-06 |
4905 |
(Straight Talk) Our Rich Parents |
1961/04/22 |
2577 |
(Straight Talk) Part of Imperialism's Scheme |
1987/11/15 |
2229 |
(Straight Talk) Partial Success Gained by Sugar Workers |
1974/04 |
4475 |
(Straight Talk) Parties and Class |
1983/08/20 |
2539 |
(Straight Talk) Party, State and the Media |
1987/01/7 |
2135 |
(Straight Talk) Patriotism and Ideology |
1972/08/20 |
6617 |
(Straight Talk) Peace Corps - The Trojan Horse of Imperialism |
2587 |
(Straight Talk) Peaceful Coexistence: The Only Sane Alternative |
1987 |
2126 |
(Straight Talk) People's Power |
1972/02/20 |
2253 |
(Straight Talk) Peter Pays for Forbes |
1975 |
1077 |
(Straight Talk) Pie-in-the-Sky |
1964/11 |
1364 |
(Straight Talk) Pies in the Sky |
1967/9/17 |
2228 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Caused Hardships |
1974 |
6618 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Causes Moral Decay - 1983 |
1983/01/09 |
2377 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Conspiracy with USA and Venezuela |
1981/08/02 |
2496 |
(Straight Talk) PNC controls leads to Fraud |
1986/01/12 |
981 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Created the Violence |
1968/12/08 |
2283 |
(Straight Talk) PNC in Shambles |
1977/04/24 |
1492 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Foreign Policy |
1974 |
2172 |
(Straight Talk) PNC is Pro-Imperialist |
1973/03/25 |
2541 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Lies -Covering Up Its Sins |
1987/02/08 |
6934 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Moves within Limits Imposed by Imperialism |
1974/12/22 |
2197 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Poses as Friends of Farmers |
1974/04/21 |
6942 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Prescription are for National Suicide |
1991/03/31 |
2196 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Puts Heavier Burden |
1974/04/07 |
6644 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Puts More Pressure on the People |
1981/04/10 |
4948 |
(Straight Talk) PNC Wants Gerrymandered Constitution |
1959/09/12 |
1203 |
(Straight Talk) Political Immorality |
1966/09/18 |
2471 |
(Straight Talk) Political Solution Needed |
1985/02/17 |
2084 |
(Straight Talk) Political Union |
1971/12/19 |
2237 |
(Straight talk) Positive Gains for Sugar Workers |
1975/04/27 |
6886 |
(Straight Talk) Propaganda not Communication |
2567 |
(Straight talk) Poverty Common to Haiti and Guyana |
1987/08/10 |
2472 |
(Straight talk) PPP and PNC Not Same |
1985/02/10 |
2178 |
(Straight talk) PPP Different from PNC |
1973/07/01 |
5065 |
(Straight Talk) PPP Economic Policy - August 5, 1961 |
1961/08/05 |
2009 |
(Straight talk) PPP Has Won |
1968 |
2592 |
(Straight talk) PPP Position Different from PNC |
1987/10 |
5718 |
(Straight talk) PPP Vital for Reconstruction |
1990/09/02 |
6888 |
(Straight talk) Prevent a Rigged List |
1990 |
1366 |
(Straight Talk) Promises, Freeness and Excuses |
1967/10/03 |
2122 |
(Straight Talk) Radical Change |
1972/01/30 |
6622 |
(Straight Talk) Rape of Collective Bargaining |
1984 |
5821 |
(Straight Talk) Reactivating the Cold War |
1979 |
1193 |
(Straight Talk) Real World of Democracy |
1966/07/17 |
2429 |
(Straight talk) Reaganism vs Burnhamism: The War Goes On |
1984/01/15 |
1975 |
(Straight Talk) Red Herrings |
1968/10/13 |
2072 |
(Straight Talk) Reformist Nationalisation |
1971/03/14 |
4700 |
(Straight Talk) Regional Integration |
1987/10/18 |
2011 |
(Straight Talk) Regression Under the Coalition |
1968/11/22 |
1343 |
(Straight Talk) Resources Tie-Up |
1967/04/23 |
2556 |
(Straight Talk) Restore Majority Rule in Figi |
1987/06/10 |
1345 |
(Straight Talk) Revolution and Counter-Revolution |
1967/05/07 |
2058 |
(Straight Talk) Revolutionary Changes Necessary |
1969/05/18 |
6940 |
(Straight Talk) Revolutionary Policy and Programmes Needed |
1969/06/08 |
1339 |
(Straight Talk) Revolutionise Education |
1967/03/12 |
1151 |
(Straight Talk) Re-writing History |
1965/02/07 |
1164 |
(Straight Talk) Rice and Ruin |
1965/07/25 |
1199 |
(Straight Talk) Ride on a Packed Train |
1966/08/14 |
618 |
(Straight Talk) Rigging the Constitution |
1978/07/16 |
2502 |
(Straight Talk) Right of Assembly Violated |
1986/02/17 |
2216 |
(Straight Talk) Rodney's Case Part of Overall Plan |
1974/08/25 |
1211 |
(Straight Talk) Rule by Intimidation |
1966/11/27 |
2035 |
(Straight Talk) Saigon's Proposals Fraudulent |
1969/08/03 |
1981 |
(Straight Talk) Scrap the Voters List |
1968/11/03 |
4906 |
(Straight Talk) Seizure of Private Property, Savings - What is the Position? - |
1961/04/29 |
2019 |
(Straight Talk) Shylock Approach |
1969/02/16 |
2151 |
(Straight Talk) Sink or Swim |
1973/03/18 |
2479 |
(Straight talk) Skeletons in the Cupboard |
1985/05/22 |
6899 |
(Straight Talk) Skyrocketing Food Prices |
1968/07/07 |
2215 |
(Straight talk) Small Man Becoming Dead Man |
1974/08/18 |
2209 |
(Straight talk) Smelter - Chaff or Grain |
1974/07/21 |
2056 |
(Straight talk) Soaking the Poor |
1969/03/09 |
1952 |
(Straight talk) Social Ownership |
1968/05/12 |
1005 |
(Straight talk) Social Security |
1969/12/21 |
2259 |
(Straight talk) Socialism and State Capitalism |
1975/02/23 |
2258 |
(Straight talk) Socialism Cannot Come with Military-bureaucratic Rule |
1975/02/02 |
6627 |
(Straight talk) Socialism Has Not Failed |
1982 |
1948 |
(Straight talk) Socialism Moulding New Man |
1968/01/07 |
2552 |
(Straight talk) Socialism -The Only Alternative |
1987/05/24 |
2059 |
(Straight talk) Socialism Will Win |
1969 |
2473 |
(Straight talk) Socialist Aid is Superior |
1985/03/17 |
2636 |
(Straight talk) Socialist Foundations Not Laid |
1989/02/05 |
2073 |
(Straight talk) Socialist Nationalisation |
1971/03/21 |
2517 |
(Straight talk) Something to Hide |
1986/07/27 |
2500 |
(Straight talk) Sordid Catalogue of Rigging |
1986/01/27 |
1341 |
(Straight talk) Sound Policies Needed |
1967/04/02 |
5128 |
(Straight Talk) Sputnik Age |
1959/01/17 |
2057 |
(Straight Talk) Squandermania |
1969/03/23 |
5930 |
(Straight Talk) Starvation Amidst Plenty |
1964 after |
4360 |
(Straight Talk) Starvation in Midst of Plenty |
1988/01/17 |
2638 |
(Straight talk) Step Up Fight for Fair Elections |
1989/02/26 |
1360 |
(Straight talk) Stockfeeds and Agriculture |
1967/07/23 |
2485 |
(Straight talk) Stop Army Intervention in Guyana Elections |
1985/05 |
2002 |
(Straight talk) Stop Murder in Vietnam |
1968 |
2600 |
(Straight talk) Stop the Bloodshed in Central America |
1988/03/27 |
6933 |
(Straight Talk) Strategy and Tactics |
1971/02/21 |
1337 |
(Straight Talk) Strategy for Development |
1967/02/26 |
6456 |
(Straight Talk) Struggle Against Company Unions |
1984/05/13 |
2155 |
(Straight Talk) Struggle Between Beet and Cane |
1973/11/04 |
6740 |
(Straight Talk) Struggle Sharpens |
1969 |
2110 |
(Straight Talk) Subsidize Rentals |
1971/01/08 |
2141 |
(Straight Talk) Sugar Still Sweet for Owners |
1972/11/19 |
2134 |
(Straight Talk) Super Power Ideology |
1972/08/06 |
2396 |
(Straight Talk) Super Power Propaganda Exposed |
1982/04/18 |
2231 |
(Straight talk) Tactics and Strategy |
1974 |
2026 |
(Straight talk) Taken for a Ride |
1969/04/13 |
1206 |
(Straight talk) Tale of Woe |
1966/10/02 |
2664 |
(Straight talk) Thawing of the Cold War |
1989 after |
4983 |
(Straight Talk) The 1959 Budget |
1959/01/24 |
2104 |
(Straight talk) The 53rd Anniversary |
1970/11 |
2153 |
(Straight talk) The Army - A New stage in Guyana's Politics |
1973/07 |
2487 |
(Straight talk) The Army and Politics |
1985/11/01 |
2139 |
(Straight talk) The Artist and the Intellectual |
1972/09/17 |
1951 |
(Straight talk) The Arusha Declaration |
1968/05/05 |
2603 |
(Straight talk) The Battle for the Panama Canal Zone |
1988/04/24 |
2207 |
(Straight talk) The Bauxite Whirl |
1974/06/30 |
1336 |
(Straight talk) The Bubble will Burst |
1967/02/05 |
1210 |
(Straight talk) The Burden of Foreign Debt |
1966/11/13 |
1215 |
(Straight talk) The Caribbean Free Trade Area |
1966/12/25 |
5218 |
(Straight talk) The Cold War is Over |
1991 |
2088 |
(Straight talk) The Death of Reformism |
1971/01/31 |
2570 |
(Straight talk) The Decline and Degradation of Leguan |
1987/09/20 |
2635 |
(Straight talk) The Disintegrating Face of the PNC |
1988 |
2628 |
(Straight talk) The Domino Theory |
1988/10 |
1953 |
(Straight talk) The East Coast Disaster |
1968/05/19 |
2067 |
(Straight talk) The Fight for Democracy and Socialism |
1970/02/22 |
6931 |
(Straight Talk) The GDF must redeem itself: Defend People's Rights |
1990s |
2150 |
(Straight talk) The Giant Fumbles |
1973/02/25 |
6739 |
(Straight Talk) The High Cost of Living |
1968/07/21 |
6816 |
(Straight Talk) The Intrigues of Destabilisation |
1996 |
2663 |
(Straight Talk) The Jackson Phenomenon |
1988/12/04 |
2534 |
(Straight Talk) The Mining Sector |
1986 |
4269 |
(Straight Talk) The Ministry of Colonies |
1960s late |
2613 |
(Straight Talk) The Miracle is Fading |
1988/05/22 |
2047 |
(Straight Talk) The Nature of Capitalism |
1969/12/14 |
1170 |
(Straight Talk) The Negro Explosion in America |
1965/09/19 |
1340 |
(Straight Talk) The OAS |
1967/03/19 |
2641 |
(Straight Talk) The Plunder of Bauxite |
1989/04/16 |
2323 |
(Straight Talk) The PNC and its Deal with Imperialism |
1979/04/22 |
1171 |
(Straight Talk) The Problem of Economic Development |
1965/09/26 |
2700 |
(Straight Talk) The Problem of Economic Growth |
1965/09 |
4954 |
(Straight Talk) The Puppet Assembly |
1959/09/05 |
1189 |
(Straight Talk) The Question of Morality |
1966/06/05 |
2043 |
(Straight Talk) The Rape of Latin America |
1969/11/09 |
4294 |
(Straight Talk) The Real World Democracy |
1980s |
2130 |
(Straight Talk) The Resurrection of Cuffy |
1972/03/26 |
1957 |
(Straight Talk) The Reward of Fraud |
1968/06/30 |
1955 |
(Straight Talk) The Rice Bubble |
1968/06/16 |
2008 |
(Straight Talk) The Rich and the Poor |
1968 |
2489 |
(Straight Talk) The Rigged Machinery of Elections |
1985/11/14 |
1365 |
(Straight Talk) The role of the CIA and its activities throughout the World |
1967/10 |
2392 |
(Straight Talk) The Role of the Non-Aligned Movement |
1982 |
4693 |
(Straight Talk) The Rule of Law Violated in Guyana |
1984/03 |
2557 |
(Straight Talk) The Ruling Class and Power |
1987/06/21 |
1941 |
(Straight Talk) The Shackles of Washington |
1968/02/04 |
1346 |
(Straight Talk) The Struggle Sharpens |
1967/05/14 |
1208 |
(Straight Talk) The Sugar Merry-Go-Round |
1966/10/30 |
1950 |
(Straight Talk) The Tanzania Model |
1968/04/28 |
1148 |
(Straight Talk) The Third Betrayal |
1965/01/10 |
2074 |
(Straight Talk) The Trinidad Rebellion |
1971/10/31 |
2510 |
(Straight Talk) The War Against Drugs |
1986/04/16 |
1153 |
(Straight Talk) The Wealthy Trouble |
1965/02/28 |
2653 |
(Straight Talk) There is an Alternative to the IMF |
1989/08/06 |
303 |
(Straight Talk) They Attack Us Indirectly on Communism |
1961/05/27 |
2152 |
(Straight Talk) Things Were Never So Bad |
1973 |
2224 |
(Straight Talk) Throw Out the Deceivers |
1974/03/24 |
2565 |
(Straight Talk) Time For Change |
1987/08/04 |
5315 |
(Straight Talk) Time for Re-Appraisal |
1964/10/01 |
1371 |
(Straight Talk) Tomorrow Belongs to Socialism |
1967/12/10 |
2022 |
(Straight Talk) Towards Fascism |
1969/02/23 |
5514 |
(Straight Talk) Towards Liberation |
1984/03/25 |
1156 |
(Straight talk) Trade and Aid |
1965/03/21 |
2445 |
(Straight talk) Trade Unionism and Politics |
1984/11/25 |
5660 |
(Straight Talk) Trade Unions |
1960s early |
5516 |
(Straight talk) Trade, Aid and Debts |
1968/02/18 |
2063 |
(Straight talk) Trends - Denial of Rights |
1969 |
1968 |
(Straight talk) Trends - More Taxes |
1968/08/18 |
2015 |
(Straight talk) Trends - Mounting Unemployment |
1968/08/25 |
2555 |
(Straight talk) Tribute to Gunnar Myrdal |
1987/06/03 |
2208 |
(Straight talk) Trinidad Smelter - Who Will Gain? |
1974/07/07 |
2634 |
(Straight talk) Trouble in Little England |
1988 |
5747 |
(Straight talk) Trying to Squeeze the PPP |
1990/07/29 |
1988 |
(Straight talk) Two (2) Americas |
1968/11/24 |
1808 |
(Straight talk) Two Tactics - The Way Backward |
1955 |
6625 |
(Straight talk) U.K. Tentiles and Preference |
1976 |
(Straight talk) UF and PNC Swindle |
1968/10/20 |
1942 |
(Straight talk) UNCTAD 2 |
1968/02/11 |
2432 |
(Straight talk) Under What Law? |
1984/04/29 |
2167 |
(Straight talk) Unemployment - Cause and Cure |
1972/05/14 |
2246 |
(Straight talk) Unity and Struggle |
1975/12/14 |
1150 |
(Straight talk) US Dirty Vietnam war |
1965/02/05 |
6862 |
(Straight Talk) US Economy |
1960s early |
6932 |
(Straight Talk) USSR-USA are not equally responsible |
1980s late |
2125 |
(Straight talk) Uzbekistan and Iran |
1972/01/23 |
2296 |
(Straight Talk) Valiant Sugar Workers are Victorious |
1978/01/8 |
2310 |
(Straight talk) Violations of Fundamental Rights |
1978/06/11 |
1372 |
(Straight talk) Visit to Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
1967/12/17 |
6628 |
(Straight talk) Visit to Venezuela - 1959 |
1959 |
1998 |
(Straight talk) Voters' List Was Padded |
1968/12/30 |
1644 |
(Straight talk) Wanted - A Free Press |
1965/01/31 |
2611 |
(Straight talk) Water Desperation in the City |
1988/05/15 |
6631 |
(Straight talk) Water Problem in Guyana |
1989 |
2232 |
(Straight talk) We Must Exert Relentless Pressure on the PNC |
1975/01/05 |
6935 |
(Straight Talk) We Need a Democratic Foundation |
1978/07/23 |
1172 |
(Straight talk) We Need a Popular Government |
1965/10/10 |
2646 |
(Straight talk) We Need United Militant Action |
1989/05/28 |
2075 |
(Straight talk) West Indian State |
1971/11/21 |
1168 |
(Straight talk) What about a Political Settlement |
1965/09/05 |
2428 |
(Straight talk) What Kind of Attack? |
1984/01/08 |
2257 |
(Straight talk) What makes the PNC Run |
1975/01/12 |
1178 |
(Straight talk) What's the D-Plan All About? |
1966/05/08 |
2233 |
(Straight talk) Where Does PNC Stand? |
1975/01/19 |
1177 |
(Straight talk) Where is the Confidence |
1966/05/01 |
1333 |
(Straight talk) Which Way for Development |
1967/01/08 |
6582 |
(Straight talk) Who is the Enemy |
1983/07/21 |
1147 |
(Straight talk) Why Poverty? |
1965/01/03 |
1966 |
(Straight Talk) Why Venezuelan Aggression |
1968/08/04 |
1166 |
(Straight talk) Why the PPP boycott of the ICJ Commission |
1965/08/08 |
5765 |
(Straight talk) Winner Will Not Take All |
1990/07/01 |
2041 |
(Straight talk) Withdraw All Troops Now |
1971/06/27 |
2042 |
(Straight talk) Withdraw the Troops |
1969/10/19 |
1188 |
(Straight talk) Words not Deeds |
1966/05/29 |
6760 |
(Straight Talk) WPA and Catholic Standard |
1984 after |
2818 |
(Observer Article) "Washington Consensus" is Wanting |
1996/10/06 |
5620 |
(Observer Article) A New Global Human Order |
1996/01/28 |
2763 |
(Observer Article) Advancement of Women |
1995/09/24 |
2819 |
(Observer Article) Black Friday - Never Again |
1996/10/20 |
2838 |
(Observer Article) Black Friday: History Must Not Be Repeated |
1996/10 |
2757 |
(Observer Article) Boom and Bust |
1995/08/06 |
2778 |
(Observer Article) Boom or Bust |
1995/12/03 |
2837 |
(Observer Article) Bribery and Corruption a National Industry |
1996 |
2747 |
(Observer Article) Burnham Precipitated Suspension |
1995/06/25 |
2839 |
(Observer Article) Collapse of Neo-Liberal Strategy |
1996 |
2830 |
(Observer Article) Crisis of Leadership |
1996 |
2801 |
(Observer Article) Debt is Death for Caricom |
1996/03/10 |
2802 |
(Observer Article) Debt Strangling Guyana's Development |
1996/03/24 |
2786 |
(Observer Article) Democracy and Human Rights |
1996/01/14 |
2758 |
(Observer Article) Democratisation of UG |
1995/08/13 |
2809 |
(Observer Article) Development: Globalisation Model Means Uneven Development |
1996/07/28 |
2833 |
(Observer Article) Downsizing: The Achilles Heel of Capitalism |
1996 |
6884 |
(Observer Article) Electricity Merry-Go-Round |
1996 |
2760 |
(Observer Article) Election Engineering |
1995/08/20 |
2741 |
(Observer Article) Empowering the People |
1995/05/28 |
2780 |
(Observer Article) End Political, Economic and Cultural Dependency |
1995/12/31 |
1697 |
(Observer Article) Freedom of the Press |
1996 |
2829 |
(Observer Article) Get Rich Quick Wallingfords |
1996 |
2752 |
(Observer Article) Global Realities |
1995/07/09 |
2745 |
(Observer Article) Gunboat Diplomacy and Independence |
1995/06/11 |
2775 |
(Observer Article) Historical Truths |
1995/11/12 |
2781 |
(Observer Article) Independence and Republic |
1995/12/17 |
2738 |
(Observer Article) Independence or Republic |
1995/05/21 |
2835 |
(Observer Article) International Solidarity for Human Development |
1996 |
2795 |
(Observer Article) Keep Hope Alive |
1996/02/27 |
2804 |
(Observer Article) Kleptocracy and Bribeomics |
1996/04/14 |
1730 |
(Observer Article) Light at End of Tunnel |
1996 |
4204 |
(Observer Article) Must Man Starve? |
1996/08/07 |
2768 |
(Observer Article) Nam and Change |
1995/10/22 |
2773 |
(Observer Article) Nam for Peace and Social Progress |
1995/11/05 |
2797 |
(Observer Article) National Security: When and How |
1996/02/29 |
517 |
(Observer Article) Need for Change |
1995/07/07 |
5494 |
(Observer Article) Needed: A 10% Cap |
1996/06/02 |
2791 |
(Observer Article) Needed: A Partnership and Social Contract |
1996/02/18 |
2803 |
(Observer Article) Needed: Debt Relief |
1996/04/07 |
6585 |
(Observer Article) Needed: Water Control |
1995/07/21 |
6641 |
(Observer Article) New Development Strategy Needed |
1996 |
591 |
(Observer Article) New Hope for our Amerindian People - (Last Observer Article & Last article written by Cheddi Jagan) |
1997/02 |
2766 |
(Observer Article) Non-Alignment |
1995/10/15 |
4247 |
(Observer Article) Out of Control |
1997/02/09 |
2816 |
(Observer Article) Pain Not Gain |
1996/09/24 |
2794 |
(Observer Article) Partnership: Government/Labour/Capital |
1996/02/25 |
2822 |
(Observer Article) Party Paramountcy |
1996/11/03 |
4782 |
(Observer Article) Patriotism Not Opportunism Needed |
1996 |
2749 |
(Observer Article) Persistent Poverty |
1995/07/02 |
123 |
(Observer Article) Poverty - World's Deadliest Disease |
1996/01/07 |
2755 |
(Observer Article) Problems of Globalization: poverty, unemployment and hunger |
1995/07/30 |
2753 |
(Observer Article) Reconciliation with Vietnam Part 1 & 2 |
1995/07/15; 1995/07/23 |
454 |
(Observer Article) Regional Integration |
1995/06/30 |
6885 |
(Observer Article) Reparation |
1996 |
6636 |
(Observer Article) State Ownership Alone is Not Socialism |
1996/09 |
2812 |
(Observer Article) State Power for Whom? |
1996/08/25 |
2814 |
(Observer Article) Stormy Road Ahead |
1996/09/22 |
2779 |
(Observer Article) Structural Crisis of Capitalism |
1995/12/10 |
2782 |
(Observer Article) Summit of the America: Poverty Ruins Democracy |
1995/12/24 |
2796 |
(Observer Article) The Banana Split |
1996/02/28 |
2765 |
(Observer Article) The Bandung Legacy |
1995/10/08 |
2805 |
(Observer Article) The Bay of Pigs Fiasco |
1996/04/26 |
2772 |
(Observer Article) The Call from Colombia |
1995/10/29 |
2800 |
(Observer Article) The Caribbean at the Crossroads |
1996/03/10 |
2787 |
(Observer Article) The Casualties of a Dizzying Change |
1996/01/21 |
2799 |
(Observer Article) The Debt Boomerang |
1996/03/01 |
2776 |
(Observer Article) The Empowerment of Women |
1995/11/26 |
2762 |
(Observer Article) The Gender Gap |
1995/09/17 |
2807 |
(Observer Article) The Ideological/Political Struggle |
1996/06/23 |
2824 |
(Observer Article) The Long, Dark Shadows of Poverty |
1996/11/10 |
6584 |
(Observer Article) The Poverty Curtain |
1996/09/27 |
5634 |
(Observer Article) The State and its Challenges |
1996/08/18 |
6581 |
(Observer Article) The State and Party |
1996/09/01 |
5633 |
(Observer Article) The Struggle for Independence |
1996 |
2746 |
(Observer Article) The Widening Gap |
1995/06/18 |
2789 |
(Observer Article) Trade Union Movement at the Crossroads |
1996/02/04 |
2832 |
(Observer Article) Trade Unions and Destabilisation |
1996 |
2761 |
(Observer Article) Two Worlds |
1995/08/27 |
2825 |
(Observer Article) Violence Against women |
1996/11/17 |
2790 |
(Observer Article) Which Side are you On? |
1996/02/11 |
2813 |
(Observer Article) Whither Caricom |
1996/09/15 |
2764 |
(Observer Article) Women's Rights - Human Rights |
1995/10/01 |
5522 |
A Biographical Note - Cheddi Jagan |
2217 |
A Crisis of confidence |
1974/09/10 |
5237 |
A Critique by Dr. Jagan on UF's Manifesto - "Highway to Happiness" |
1966 |
6579 |
A New Global Human Order - A Proposal by President Jagan |
1995 |
59 |
A New Global Human Order. |
1999 |
485 |
A New Global Humanitarian Order |
1994/05/01 |
4771 |
A new ten-year Development Programme |
1970/04/02 |
1557 |
A Review of Guyana's Foreign Policy |
1967? |
2545 |
A Sell-out to the IMF - 1987 Budget Debate |
1987/03 |
2085 |
A Strategy to Create Employment Opportunities |
1971-1972 |
426 |
A Struggle for National Liberation and its Implications |
1974 |
22 |
A Time for Clear Thinking - Intensified Activity |
1967/08 |
793 |
A Time to Stand Up and Be Counted |
1964/01 |
2117 |
A West Indian State: Pro-imperialist or Anti-Imperialist |
1972/02 |
206 |
Abstract of Memorandum on Caribbean Economic Development and Industrialisation |
1980 |
2619 |
Abstract of Paper presented to York University, July 1988 |
1988/07 |
2282 |
Activities in Guyana Relating to the World Peace Movement //World Peace Council in Mainstream of History |
1977/04/23 |
2334 |
Acute Problems of Guyana |
1979/12 |
5574 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan - August 17, 1975 |
1975/08/17 |
608 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to PPP Silver Jubilee Confab 1950-1975 |
1975 |
2381 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at 1st International Conference in Solidarity with Grenada |
1981/11/23-25 |
2285 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at 29th Anniversary of Enmore Martyrs |
1977/06/16 |
2249 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at 7th Conference of Trade Unions of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers |
1975/05 |
2389 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Closing of 10th Congress of GAWU |
1982/02/20-22 |
2238 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Conference of Communist Parties of L.A. & Caribbean |
1975/06/9-13 |
2620 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Conference on 150th Anniversary of East Indians - July 1988 |
1988/07/06-10 |
2403 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Great October Revolution Celebration - The Soviet Union: A Mighty Force |
1982/11/02 |
2631 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at International Conference at Harvard University - Nov 11-13, 1988 |
1988/11/11-13 |
2325 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at May Day 1979 TUC Rally |
1979/05/01 |
2326 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Meeting of Caribbean Parties and Groups Held in Guyana |
1979/08/04-06 |
6487 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at PPP/CIVIC Seminar |
1992/03/7-8 |
5317 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Seminar/Conference sponsored by "Problems of Peace and Socialism" |
1980 |
5596 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Symposium at UG - Discrimination and Corruption |
1971 |
2371 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at the Commemoration of the 52nd Birth Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. |
1981/01/15 |
2730 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at the formal opening of 25th PPP Congress |
1994/12/03 |
809 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan at Tower Hotel - Our Footsteps and Vision for a Free Guyana |
1991/06/08 |
5374 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan in Chile |
1970s |
6504 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan on 21st PPP Anniversary - 1971 |
1971/01 |
6502 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan on Crisis of Imperialism |
1970s |
190 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan on International Cooperation Day - 1961 |
1961 |
191 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan on Opening of Yarrow Creek Co-op Society |
1960 |
6738 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 11th PYO Congress |
2452 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 16th PPP Congress |
1970/09/05-06 |
2137 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 17th PPP Congress |
1972/09/2-3 |
2213 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 18th PPP Congress on behalf of PPP General Council |
1974/08/3-5 |
2240 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 25 Anniversary Conference of PPP - On Critical Support |
1975/08/03 |
2382 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 2nd Congress of the Workers Party of Jamaica |
1981/12/17-19 |
2387 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 3rd Trade Union Conference for Unity and Solidarity of Caribbean Workers |
1981 |
2200 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 8th PYO Congress - Our Youths are in the Fighting Ranks |
1974/04 |
743 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Canada's Trade Mission |
1959/01/26 |
765 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Caribbean Organisations |
1961? |
2266 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to CCWU 6th Annual Seminar - Role of Trade Unions in Socialist Economy |
1976/07/18 |
6662 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee Meeting March 2-3, 1985 |
1985 |
4655 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Comrades - August 27, 1966 |
1966/08/27 |
2307 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Conference of Solidarity with the struggles of African and Arab Peoples' |
1978/09/14-17 |
2410 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Congress of Peace & Life Against Nuclear War |
1983/06/21-26 |
53 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies |
1994/02/28 |
2512 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to May Day Rally at National Park -1986 |
1986/05/01 |
2271 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Presidential Committee of Guyana Peace Council |
1976/12/08-11 |
2140 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Presidential Committee of World Peace Council - Oct 4-9, 1972 |
1972/10/04-9 |
2516 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to 13th PYO Congress - Mass Mobilisation and Militant Action |
1986/07/5-8 |
4627 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to the 24th PPP Congress - Empire Cinema/ Closing Address |
1991/07/06-07 |
1289 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to the Guyana-West Indian Association |
1967/06/10 |
1061 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to TUC Congress |
1964/06/28 |
4613 |
Address by Cheddi Jagan to Venezuelan Friends |
1980s |
754 |
Address by Premier to Great Neck Forum |
1961/11 |
5563 |
Address by Premier to Inaugural meeting of National Economic Council |
1964/08/24 |
152 |
Address by Premier to staff associations on January 24, 1962. |
1962/01/24 |
5276 |
Address by Premier to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations - New York, 18 December 1961 |
1961/12/18 |
1136 |
Address by Premier to the United Nations (82nd Meeting) -1962 |
1962/07/23 |
771 |
Address by Premier to the United Nations Committee of Twenty Four - April 1964 |
1964/04 |
4812 |
Address by Premier to Winnipeg Press Club - delivered by Janet Jagan |
1963/04/26 |
26 |
Address by President Jagan at 10th Conference of Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) |
1993/06/24 |
2750 |
Address by President Jagan at 16th Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of Caricom |
1995/07/04 |
2808 |
Address by President Jagan at 17th Meeting, Heads of Govt. Caribbean |
1996/07/03 |
48 |
Address by President Jagan at 27th Anniversary of Guyana's Independence |
1993/05/26 |
46 |
Address by President Jagan at 2nd Meeting of Inter-American Development Bank - March 29th,1993 |
1993/03/29 |
4284 |
Address by President Jagan at 6th Meeting of Free Trade Area of Americas (Dr. Jagan's last public appearance) |
1997/02/13 |
45 |
Address by President Jagan at Conference on "Poverty in Guyana" at University of Guyana |
1993/03/18 |
5329 |
Address by President Jagan at GAWU Congress 1994 |
1994/02/12 |
5360 |
Address by President Jagan at Opening of 7th Inter-Sessional Meeting, Heads of Govt. Caribbean |
1996/02/29 |
1525 |
Address by President Jagan at Opening of Bounty Farms |
1997/01/25 |
629 |
Address by President Jagan at Opening of National Conference of Amerindians, 1994 |
1994/04/11-14 |
2770 |
Address by President Jagan at Princeton University - The UN at 50 - In Search of NGHO |
1995/10/24 |
5576 |
Address by President Jagan at Rotary Club - Nov. 1992 |
1992/11/21 |
43 |
Address by President Jagan at the 109th Annual Delegates Conference of the Guyana Teachers Union |
1993/03/14 |
5398 |
Address By President Jagan at The Awards Ceremony For Environment Competitions On World Environment Day 1994 |
1994/06/05 |
36 |
Address by President Jagan at the Ceremonial Opening of the First Session of the Sixth Parliament of Guyana |
1992/12/17 |
4773 |
Address by President Jagan to the Conference on a New Global Human Order |
1996/08/02-04 |
33 |
Address by President Jagan at the Guyana prize for literature award ceremony |
1992/11/06 |
5322 |
Address by President Jagan at the Launching Ceremony of Visit Guyana Brochure |
1995/09/01 |
2815 |
Address by President Jagan at the opening session of the Caribbean Community Consultation |
1996/09/23 |
2783 |
Address by President Jagan at the two-day symposium: Unity in Diversity in the Quest for Global Prosperity |
1995/05/18 |
5 |
Address by President Jagan at the World Social Summit in Denmark |
1995/03/6-12 |
4536 |
Address by President Jagan at UNICEF Programme of Cooperation with Government of Guyana. |
1993/05/17 |
2710 |
Address by President Jagan in Parliament on Queen Elizabeth's II Visit - 1994 |
1994/02/21 |
2226 |
Address by President Jagan marking the first hundred days in Government January 15th, 1993 |
1993/01/15 |
25 |
Address by President Jagan on 45th Anniversary of Enmore Martyrs Death |
1993/06/16 |
2817 |
Address by President Jagan on 4th Anniversary of Oct 5 |
1996/10/05 |
2742 |
Address by President Jagan on Guyana's 29th Independence Anniversary |
1995/05/25 |
32 |
Address by President Jagan on Occasion of 1st 100 Days of PPP/Civic |
1993/01/15 |
821 |
Address by President Jagan on Regional Development Fund - 1995 |
1995/06/01 |
2723 |
Address by President Jagan to 12th Conference of Chartered Accountants |
1994/06/16 |
40 |
Address by President Jagan to 140th Anniversary of Arrival of Chinese Immigrants to Guyana |
1993/01/24 |
51 |
Address by President Jagan to 48th Session of UN General Assembly |
1993/10/01 |
2737 |
Address by President Jagan to Ass. of Caribbean Historians - We need to know our History |
1995/04/02 |
2724 |
Address by President Jagan to Association of Caribbean Studies - Multiculturalism in Guyana |
1994/07/20 |
49 |
Address by President Jagan to Caribbean leaders and President Bill Clinton August 30th, 1993 |
1993/08/30 |
5571 |
Address by President Jagan to Caricom Heads of State Conference - 1992 |
1992/10/28 |
5504 |
Address by President Jagan to Caricom/Private Sector Conference 1993 |
1993/02/09 |
52 |
Address by President Jagan to CGCED to Support Guyana's Economic Recovery - January 27th, 1994 |
1994/01/27-28 |
6459 |
Address by President Jagan to Commissioned Officers - Guyana Defence Force |
1993/04/15 |
5971 |
Address by President Jagan to Conference on Global Development - Carter Center - 1992 |
1992/12/4-5 |
222 |
Address by President Jagan to Guyana Defence Force,Tacama Battle School |
1996/11/25 |
2828 |
Address by President Jagan to Hemispheric Summit Conference on Sustainable Development |
1996/12/07 |
37 |
Address by President Jagan to Mark International Human Rights Day, December 19, 1992 |
1992/12/19 |
2725 |
Address by President Jagan to Meeting of Caribbean Conservation Association |
1994/08/23 |
5911 |
Address by President Jagan to Nation - Dec 1993 |
1993/12 |
5562 |
Address by President Jagan to Nation on 1st Anniversary of PPP/Civic Govt. |
1993/10/04 |
5624 |
Address by President Jagan to Nation on 26th Anniversary of the Republic |
1996/02/22 |
54 |
Address by President Jagan to the 18th Annual Conference of the National Council for Black Studies June 1st, 1994 |
1994/06/01 |
41 |
Address by President Jagan to the CARICOM/Private Sector Conference February 8th, 1993 |
1993/02/08-09 |
5981 |
Address by President Jagan to the CLAA Conference in Miami - 1992 |
1992/12/01 |
63 |
Address by President Jagan to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in New Zealand November 9, 1995. |
1995/11/09 |
5301 |
Address by President Jagan to The Development Committee of The European Parliament |
1994/09/14 |
4524 |
Address by President Jagan to the General Conference of UNESCO |
1995/11/16 |
31 |
Address by President Jagan to the Nation - Monday, October 26, 1992 |
1992/10/26 |
47 |
Address by President Jagan to the Nation April 24th, 1993 |
1993/04/24 |
34 |
Address by President Jagan to the Nation on the CARICOM Summit November 7th, 1992 |
1992/11/07 |
42 |
Address by President Jagan to the Nation to mark the 23rd Anniversary of the Republic of Guyana |
1993/02/22 |
50 |
Address by President Jagan to the special Protocolory session of the Organisation of American States September 1st, 1993 |
1993/09/01 |
14 |
Address by President Jagan to the UN 50th: The Quest for Peace, Justice and Development |
1995/10/24 |
67 |
Address by President Jagan to the World Food Summit in Rome, November 13-17, 1996 |
1996/11/13 |
24 |
Address by President Jagan to Workers at Omai Gold Mines |
1992/11/02 |
4902 |
Aid to Counter those Chill Economic Winds |
1961/02/11 |
6564 |
An exceptionally good year for Guyana - 1994 |
1994/10 |
114 |
Anatomy of Electoral Fraud in Guyana |
1986/02/18 |
5258 |
Appeal for Funds by Dr. Cheddi Jagan - 1957 |
1957 |
2572 |
Appeal to Workers and Trade Unions in Guyana |
1987/09/24 |
319 |
Application for I.C.A. assistance in the construction of a road/Letter from Dr. Jagan Re: ICA Assistance |
1957/05; 1959/09/17 |
2183 |
Army Intervention not Election |
1973/07/27 |
5302 |
Article by Cheddi Jagan, on Lies about his Government |
1964/10/08 |
1072 |
Article written for publication "Minority of One" |
1964/09 |
6831 |
Attitude of USSR, USA, China and Cuba to Non-Aligned Movement |
1980s |
2607 |
Awards and Honours for Dr. Jagan |
1988/03 |
87 |
Balance of Forces |
1972 |
6829 |
Bandung and the Principles and Goals of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) |
1980s |
1513 |
BG'S Agricultural Boost |
1961/03/11 |
723 |
Bitter Sugar (1953-1954) |
1954 |
82 |
Brazil and Cuba |
1971 |
2393 |
Bright Prospects for Revolution |
1982/04 |
185 |
British Guiana Questions and Answers. |
1958/08/08 |
1071 |
British Guiana the Case for Compromise//Letter to British Prime Minister -1964 |
1964/09; 1964/06/24 |
797 |
British Guiana's Future: Peaceful or Violent? |
1964 |
731 |
British Lion Skinned-1954 |
1954 |
2181 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan - July 11, 1973 - Our Record is Clean - Unblemished |
1973/07/11 |
2335 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan - November 18, 1979 |
1979/11/18 |
5573 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan - Stand Up Beside Me - 1980 |
1980/12/10 |
1819 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on Cooperatives |
1957 |
742 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on Dispute in Sugar Industry |
1959/03/28 |
1997 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on Eve of 1968 Election |
1968/12/15 |
2318 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on July 15, 1978 |
1978/07/15 |
1626 |
Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan, Minister of Trade and Industry - Visits to U.K., U.S., Cuba, and Venezuela. |
1960/09/03 |
799 |
Broadcast by Premier - April 11, 1964 |
1964/04/11 |
1065 |
Broadcast by Premier - Aug 22, 1964 |
1964/08/22 |
1079 |
Broadcast by Premier - December 5, 1964 |
1964/12/05 |
764 |
Broadcast by Premier - Feb 12, 1962 |
1962/02/12 |
1069 |
Broadcast by Premier - Here I Stand - August 17, 1961 |
1961/08/17 |
755 |
Broadcast by Premier - July 29, 1961 |
1961/07/29 |
5552 |
Broadcast by Premier - June 6, 1964 |
1964/06/06 |
1636 |
Broadcast by Premier - March 14, 1964 |
1964/03/14 |
796 |
Broadcast by Premier - March 7, 1964 |
1964/03/07 |
1638 |
Broadcast by Premier - May 23, 1964 |
1964/05/23 |
802 |
Broadcast by Premier - May 30, 1964 |
1964/05/30 |
5561 |
Broadcast by Premier on Economic Planning- Sept 19, 1964 |
1964/09/19 |
1450 |
Broadcast by Premier on Security Situation |
1962 |
1391 |
Broadcast by Premier on September 12, 1964 |
1964/09/12 |
1070 |
Broadcast by Premier on September 26, 1964 |
1964/09/26 |
6535 |
Broadcast by Premier on US Independence Day |
758 |
Broadcast by Premier on visit with Maulding |
1962/01 |
6847 |
Broadcast by Premier to Schools - 1962 |
1962/11 |
4378 |
Broadcast by President Jagan - The Struggle for Independence. |
1993/05/15 |
2354 |
Budget Speech 1980 by Cheddi Jagan |
1980/04 |
2394 |
Budget Speech 1982 by Cheddi Jagan - Guyana Needs Political Solution |
1982/04/02 |
2601 |
Budget Speech 1988 by Cheddi Jagan |
1988/04 |
1533 |
Budget Speech 1989 by Cheddi Jagan |
1989/03 |
351 |
Budget Speech 1990 - Read by Janet Jagan because Dr. Jagan was not allowed to speak in Parliament. |
1990 |
5666 |
Build an Independent, Revolutionary Democratic and Prosperous Guyana with a Socialist Orientation. |
4747 |
Building a Peaceful and Prosperous Guyana |
1992/06/12 |
2177 |
Burnham rules by force and fraud in Guyana |
1973/07/01 |
4426 |
Business In Guyana: A Roundtable with Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mr Sam Hinds |
1991/09/23 |
5364 |
Cablegram from Premier Jagan to Kwame Nkrumah |
1962 |
5367 |
Cablegrams from Premier Jagan to United Nations re: Visit to UN |
1962/07/05; 1962/07/19; 1962/0 |
5008 |
Camaguey Indoctrination - 26th July Movement - April 1960 |
1960/04/30 |
5275 |
Capitalism in Deep Crisis |
1987? |
709 |
Capitalistic Power and Rehabilitation |
1946/08/18 |
2357 |
Caribbean Economic Development and Industrialization |
1980/05 |
1958 |
Caribbean Unity and Carifta |
1968/08 |
5777 |
Caricom, Globalisation, Liberalisation & FTAA |
1990s |
2080 |
CARIFTA - Political, not Economic |
1971 |
79 |
Carifta and Guyana |
1972 |
78 |
Carifta: Unity at any Price |
1970s |
730 |
Celebration Farce-1954 |
1954 |
6630 |
Celebration of 100th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore |
1961 |
2589 |
Central America and the Caribbean |
1987 |
969 |
Challenge of British Guiana - 1953 |
1953/10 |
2165 |
Change Balance of Forces |
1968/07 |
1205 |
Change Foreign Policy |
1966/10 |
6895 |
Cheddi and Janet Jagan - Prison 1954 |
1954 |
5044 |
Cheddi Jagan - 43 Years the People's Champion - 1990 Speeches |
1990 |
6633 |
Cheddi Jagan - For Central Demerara - The Peoples Choice |
1947 |
404 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 1 - 1947-1951 |
1947-1951 |
405 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 2 - 1952-1953 |
1952-1953 |
406 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 3 - 1959-1964 |
1959-1964 |
410 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 4 - 1966-1968 |
1964-1968 |
411 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 5 - 1969-1972 |
1969-1972 |
416 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 6 - 1976-1980 |
1976-1980 |
420 |
Cheddi Jagan - National Assembly Speeches Volume 7 - 1981-1987 |
1981-1987 |
443 |
Cheddi Jagan Answers Questions put by Tass correspondent |
1980s early |
5610 |
Cheddi Jagan calls on Ishmael to refute lie on sugar pension fund |
1961/07/21 |
2005 |
Cheddi Jagan Charges Retrogression Under Coalition |
1968 |
2360 |
Cheddi Jagan Comments on Leonid Brezhnev's interview with Pravda |
1980 |
6509 |
Cheddi Jagan Comments on UNCTAD |
1976/05 |
230 |
Cheddi Jagan discusses paddy and related matters with Essequibo Rice farmers |
1961/02/04 |
5702 |
Cheddi Jagan on Co-operative Movement |
1948/04/22 |
6874 |
Cheddi Jagan on Suspension of the Constitution 1953 |
1990s |
6869 |
Cheddi Jagan re: Import of Revolution and Private Property |
1960s |
6626 |
Cheddi Jagan Replies to Radio, Peace and Progress |
1967 after |
5842 |
Cheddi Jagan Report on Mission to USA |
1961/07/08 |
1999 |
Cheddi Jagan says Independence Betrayed |
1968 |
4347 |
Cheddi Jagan seeking Contributions for Upcoming General Elections//List of needs for Elections Campaign |
1992 |
5403 |
Cheddi Jagan speaks in the National Assembly - March 28, 1967 |
1967/03/28 |
5299 |
Cheddi Jagan speeches in National Assembly - April 1966 |
1966/04 |
5717 |
Cheddi Jagan writes about the death of Arthur Abraham and members of his family |
1964/06/12 |
116 |
Cheddi Jagan: My Fight for Guyana's Freedom/ With Reflections on My Father |
1998 |
6455 |
Cheddi Jagan's Defense in Court - 1954 |
1954/04/22 |
2610 |
Cheddi Jagan's Draft of Speech at Warwick University |
1988/05/09-11 |
2099 |
Cheddi Jagan's Easter Message - 1970 |
1970/03/27 |
2642 |
Cheddi Jagan's Introductory statement in TV Debate 1989 |
1989/04/23 |
192 |
Cheddi Jagan's Legislative Council Speech on the Co-operative Movement//Cooperative way. |
1948/04/22 |
2160 |
Cheddi Jagan's Silver Jubilee in Parliament |
1972/12/19 |
2324 |
Cheddi Raps with University Students |
1979 |
2106 |
Chile - The Beginning of a New Era |
1970/12/24 |
5643 |
Chile and Guyana |
1973 |
2107 |
Christmas Day Message from the PPP |
1970/12/24 |
6855 |
Christmas Message from Cheddi Jagan |
1970s |
6741 |
Christmas Message from Cheddi Jagan for Catholic Standard |
1967-1975 between |
6815 |
CIA - Role of CIA in Guyana Under the Kennedy Administration - Declassified Documents |
1994; 1996 |
6164 |
CIA and PNC Created the Violence |
1968/12/08 |
1377 |
CIA and the Trade Unions in Guyana |
1967 |
1194 |
CIA Money |
1966/07/03 |
1896 |
Circus Not Bread in Guyana |
1980/11 |
6499 |
Civil Liberties - 1953 |
1953 |
163 |
Civil service: The civil service in an independent Guyana. |
1959. |
135 |
Closer Association of BWI Colonies |
1940s - late |
2400 |
Comment by Cheddi Jagan on Palestine/Israel |
1982/07/19 |
1838 |
Comments by Cheddi Jagan on 1959 Development Programme |
1959 |
6893 |
Comment by Cheddi Jagan on the "Brief Overview of the E. Caribbean Political Left" |
1976 |
208 |
Constitution for Independence//views of Dr. Jagan, Mr. Burnham and Mr. D' Aguiar |
1961 after |
2595 |
Constitutional Guarantees Dishonoured |
1988/01 |
535 |
Correspondence - President Jagan with World Leaders - 1995 |
1995 |
1039 |
Correspondence between the Premier and Mr. Burnham - 1964 |
1964/06 |
1726 |
Correspondence from Cheddi Jagan with Senator Edward Kennedy - 1991 |
1991/12 |
6879 |
Correspondence from the Premier to Shri Lal c/o India High Commission |
1964/09/04 |
768 |
Correspondence from the Premier with United Nations |
1962/07/05 |
505 |
Correspondence Relating to Telecommunications |
1958 |
327 |
Correspondence with Cheddi Jagan on the Rice Industry |
1950s late |
347 |
Correspondence with The Premier - 1962-1963 |
1962-1963 |
1665 |
Correspondence//British Guiana Independence conference/ |
1962 |
6494 |
Correspondences Between Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Rudy Collins re; electoral Accord - 1991 |
1991/02 - 1991/08 |
4856 |
Correspondences between Governor Sir Ralph Grey, Cheddi Jagan, Forbes Burnham and Peter D'Aguiar - 1962 |
1962 |
189 |
Correspondences with Cheddi Jagan on the issue of agricultural products in British Guiana. |
1958 |
1671 |
Correspondences with Dr. Jagan - 1962 |
1962 |
1672 |
Correspondences with Dr. Jagan - 1963 |
1963 |
6877 |
Correspondences with Dr. Jagan - 1980 |
1980 |
6876 |
Correspondences with Dr. Jagan - 1981 |
1981 |
6878 |
Correspondences with Dr. Jagan - 1982 |
1982 |
6875 |
Correspondences with Dr. Jagan - 1991 |
1991 |
4694 |
Correspondences with Mr. Tiwari |
1993 |
786 |
Counter Revolution in British Guiana - "Guiana Crossroads" |
1963/08/20 |
1271 |
Counter-Revolution |
1962 |
2648 |
CPA Conference |
1989/05/30 |
2604 |
Cuba's Prestige Cannot be Dimmed |
1988/04 |
2270 |
Culture As a Unifying Force in Caricom |
1976/07 |
2338 |
Dangers and Possibilities (Epilogue II) |
1979 |
2337 |
Dangers and Possibilities in Guyana |
1979 |
726 |
Death to Imperialism (1954) |
1954 |
1801 |
Debate in Legislative Council April 4, 1948 |
1948/04/22 |
2054 |
Debate in National Assembly - 1969/02/21 |
1969/02/21 |
2159 |
Debate in National Assembly - November 20, 1972 |
1972/11/20 |
2020 |
Debate in National Assembly, February 21, 1969 |
1969/02/21 |
2021 |
Debate in National Assembly, February 25, 1969 |
1969/02/25 |
2023 |
Debate in National Assembly, March 13, 1969 |
1969/03/13 |
6454 |
Debate in the Legislative council - April 29, 1949 - Tax Bill 1949 |
1949/04/29 |
696 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 10th March 1950 |
1950/03/10 |
681 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 10th November 1949 |
1949/11/10 |
683 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 11th November 1949 |
1949/11/11 |
690 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 12th January 1950 |
1950/01/12 |
677 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 13th October 1949 |
1949/10/13 |
670 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 14th September 1949 |
1949/09/14 |
647 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 16th Dec.1948 |
1948/12/16 |
671 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 16th September 1949 |
1949/09/16 |
648 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 17th Dec. 1948 |
1948/12/17 |
652 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 17th February 1949 |
1949/02/17 |
655 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 17th March 1949 |
1949/03/17 |
684 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 17th November and 25th November 1949 |
1949/11/17; 1949/11/25 |
685 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 1st December 1949 |
1949/12/01 |
664 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 1st July 1949 |
1949/07/01 |
666 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 1st September 1949 |
1949/09/01 |
665 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 20th July 1949 |
1949/07/20 |
672 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 22nd September 1949 |
1949/09/22 |
697 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 23rd March 1950 |
1950/03/23 |
674 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 23rd September 1949 |
1949/09/23 |
663 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 24th June 1949 |
1949/06/24 |
698 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 24th March 1950 |
1950/03/24 |
660 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 27th May 1949 |
1949/05/27 |
678 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 28th October 1949 |
1949/10/28 |
656 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 29th April 1949 |
1949/04/29 |
649 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 2nd February 1949 |
1949/02/02 |
662 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 2nd June 1949 |
1949/06/02 |
691 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 2nd March 1950 |
1950/03/02 |
667 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 2nd September 1949 |
1949/09/02 |
687 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 30th December 1949 |
1949/12/30 |
650 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 3rd February 1949 |
1949/02/03 |
653 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 3rd March 1949 |
1949/03/03 |
693 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 3rd March 1950 |
1950/03/03 |
679 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 3rd November 1949 |
1949/11/03 |
651 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 4th February 1949 |
1949/02/04 |
654 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 4th March 1949 |
1949/03/04 |
688 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 5th January 1950 |
1950/01/05 |
659 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 5th May 1949 |
1949/05/05 |
689 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 6th January 1950 |
1950/01/06 |
675 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 6th October 1949 |
1949/10/06 |
699 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 7th July 1949 |
1949/07/07 |
676 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 7th October 1949 |
1949/10/07 |
668 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 7th September 1949 |
1949/09/07 |
686 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 8th December 1949 |
1949/12/08 |
694 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 8th March 1950 |
1950/03/08 |
695 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 9th March 1950 |
1950/03/09 |
680 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 9th November 1949 |
1949/11/09 |
669 |
Debate in the Legislative Council 9th September 1949 |
1949/09/09 |
6453 |
Debate in the Legislative council- April 29, 1949 |
1949/04/29 |
4962 |
Decide! Aid or Armaments |
1959/03/07 |
1664 |
Declaration of a Candidate named in a candidates' list - 1964 |
1964/10/20 |
5691 |
Deepavali greetings from President Cheddi Jagan - 1992 |
1992/10/24 |
2729 |
Deepavali Message 1994 |
1994/11/01 |
6927 |
Development: The Chilean Experience |
1988/04 |
2189 |
Development and Economic Independence |
1973/10/25-31 |
2475 |
Development Models and Theories |
1985 cira |
1588 |
Development, National Independence and Peace |
1973 |
5716 |
Disaster Instead of Recovery |
1990 |
2369 |
Dr. Gyanchand in Guyana |
1980 |
5896 |
Draft 1993 Christmas Message from President Jagan |
1993/12/25 |
783 |
Draft Communique on Protest to UN on US Involvement in British Guiana/ |
1963/06/21 |
1631 |
Draft Document on Independence Talks |
1962 |
1642 |
Draft letter - 1964/07 |
1964/07 |
6897 |
Draft letter from Cheddi Jagan to Sunday Argosy Re: His Income |
1974 |
5952 |
Draft Letter from President Jagan to PM Jamaica - 1993 |
1993/06/04 |
1634 |
Draft Letter From the Premier to President J.F Kennedy |
1963/07 |
1832 |
Draft re: Swiss Bank offer |
1958? |
6570 |
Draft speech by Premier for unveiling of Critchlow memorial//recognition of H N Critchlow |
1964/12/01 |
4428 |
Economic Commission for Latin America |
1961/05/06 |
1972 |
Economic Retrogression |
1968/09/22 |
349 |
Editorials by Cheddi Jagan// Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Richard Gott, The Pelican Latin American Library |
1970s |
2036 |
Election Fraud in Guyana |
1969/09/17 |
4462 |
Election in Guyana Open new States of Struggles |
1980/12/15 |
1602 |
Elections in Guyana// Letter from Chairman of Elections Commission 1991//Statement by Cheddi Jagan Nov 11, 1991 |
1991 |
5481 |
Electoral Issues |
1991 |
5838 |
End Exploitation, Distribute more equitably |
1961/06/17 |
6857 |
Epilogue by Cheddi Jagan |
1970s late |
2436 |
Epilogue of "The Caribbean: Whose Backyard" |
1984 |
2708 |
Epilogue to "Forbidden Freedom" - 1994 |
1994/02 |
4548 |
Extracts from an interview with Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
1991/04/15 |
6037 |
Extracts of speech made by Dr. Jagan before magistrate Sharples on Monday April 12, 1954 |
1954/04/12 |
4834 |
Facts for Fighters by Cheddi Jagan - Historic Dates |
2328 |
Falsifiers of Guyanese History |
1979 |
719 |
Fascist Tyranny enters British Guiana |
1953/03/01 |
92 |
February Revolt |
1970 |
72 |
Federation in Trouble |
1959-1962 |
70 |
Federation of British Caribbean Territories |
1959-1962 |
71 |
Federation with Dominion Status |
1959-1962 |
5877 |
Fight against discrimination. |
1971 |
1924 |
Financial Aid to BG not Enough |
1959? |
2131 |
Floods and Agriculture |
1972 |
1741 |
For a New Global Humanitarian Order |
1993/11/30 |
1841 |
For a Truly Independent Guiana |
1957-1961 |
2707 |
For Genuine Development |
1995 |
808 |
For Honest and Progressive Government//Programme of the PPP |
1968/12 |
4925 |
For More and Better Democracy for a Democratic Constitution for Trinidad and Tobago |
1955/08/01 |
2568 |
For Tass Correspondent - August 13, 1987 |
1987/08/13 |
2336 |
For Unity in the Face of Reaction and Fascism |
1979 |
5373 |
Forward by President Jagan on Iwokrama Programme |
1990s |
750 |
Forward in Unity |
1961/08/28 |
5272 |
Fraud and Forge in Guyana |
1968 |
286 |
Freedom and Democracy |
1960s late |
1804 |
Freedom of Speech, Assembly & Association |
1950s |
2784 |
From Montego Bay to Georgetown |
1995 |
749 |
From This Day Forward |
1961/08/21 |
1132 |
Funeral Oration for President Cheddi Jagan at Parliament Buildings |
1997/03 |
2682 |
Future of the Rice Industry |
1955 |
1267 |
General strike in British Guiana 1963//Resumption of work after strikes 1963 |
1963 |
29 |
Global Dilemma - Economic Growth, Sustainable Development and Debt Burden |
1994 |
2173 |
Grave Problems Facing the People |
1973/03 |
354 |
Greenwood and the Rule of Law |
1964 |
4995 |
Greetings to 50th Anniversary of Formation of USSR |
1972/11 |
1434 |
Grenadian Revolution |
1980s early |
6907 |
Groundless Fears |
1960s early |
5505 |
Growing support for drastic reforms in Emergent Nations |
1964/04/04 |
1186 |
Growing up |
1966/05 |
2681 |
Guatemalan Intrusion |
1954 |
737 |
Guiana - The road backwards |
1955/01/01 |
1159 |
Guiana's struggle against Fascism and Freedom |
1965 |
1145 |
Guianese workers forging new unity |
1965/12 |
2290 |
Guyana - A Reply to Critics |
1977/09 |
2341 |
Guyana - Cheddi Jagan |
1979/11 |
2202 |
Guyana - Conversation with Cheddi Jagan |
1974/05/15 |
588 |
Guyana - The Truth |
1969/05 |
2116 |
Guyana A New Stage |
1971 |
2269 |
Guyana a New Stage of Struggle |
1976 |
4298 |
Guyana Faces new struggle against the ruling elite |
1973/10 |
617 |
Guyana Fast Approaching Revolutionary Situation |
1979/10/26 |
1961 |
Guyana Heading Towards Dictatorship |
1968 |
1532 |
Guyana in Transition |
1973 |
5393 |
Guyana Need Political Solution |
1982? |
4810 |
Guyana Prospect |
1969/06 |
1385 |
Guyana Retrogresses under PNC |
1972/01/22 |
1464 |
Guyana Rice Exports to Jamaica -1993//Draft Letters from President Jagan |
1993 |
2744 |
Guyana: A Case for Debt Relief - Memorandum to Group of 7 Summit |
1995/06/15 |
1977 |
Guyana: Drift Towards Dictatorship |
1968 |
2704 |
Guyana: The Government's Vision of Development |
1994/01/26 |
88 |
Guyana's Alignment with Pro-Imperialist Axis |
1971/11/30 |
64 |
Guyana's National Development Strategy |
1996/06/06 |
2322 |
Hands Off Vietnam |
1979/03/25 |
2407 |
Handshake on the Elbe |
1983 |
6817 |
Happy Remembrance JFK |
1993/12/03 |
1174 |
Havana Conference |
1966/01 |
6491 |
History Must Not Repeat Itself |
1990s |
2248 |
How I Came to Know Lenin |
1975 |
4372 |
How to Act Responsibly: How to Behave in the National Interest |
1964/11/18 |
736 |
How to brush your teeth-1954 |
1954 |
4904 |
How to Get Your Name on the Register of Voters |
1961/03/18 |
5378 |
How to Vote |
1961 |
6903 |
How they Wrecked the Rice Industry |
1990/02 |
1349 |
How Washington Interfered and Labour Leaders Changed Their Minds About Guyana |
1967/05/27 |
1527 |
Hoyte's Politics - A Total Disaster |
1991/03/23 |
2440 |
Human Rights Must be Guaranteed |
1984/10/15-19 |
2245 |
Imperialist Intrigues in the Caribbean Region |
1975 |
6752 |
Imperialist Plunder |
1960s - early |
2347 |
Imperialists Reactivating the Cold War |
1980 |
1352 |
Importance of West Indian Unity |
1967/06/10 |
706 |
In Defence of Working class |
1946/07/17 |
2386 |
Inaccurate Descriptions of Guyana's Development |
1980s early |
5722 |
Independence and the Future |
1965/12 |
757 |
Independence Question |
1961/1962 |
1176 |
Independence Yes! Celebrations No! |
1966/04 |
6906 |
Indian Indentureship Another Form of Slavery |
1988/05 |
402 |
Indo-Caribbean Political Leadership |
1980s - late |
4903 |
Industrialization in Emergent Territories. |
1961/02/25 |
6764 |
Inter-American Newspaperman's Day |
1619 |
Interview - This Week with the President: 17th January, 1997 |
1997/01/17 |
1846 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan - Aide-Memoire |
1959 |
6759 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan - Political Settlement for Independence |
1966 - pre |
1815 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan - Why the PPP was removed from Government |
1957 |
2206 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by "New Times" in Moscow - June 1974 |
1974/06 |
1175 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by "New Times" on Situation in British Guiana |
1966/02 |
1539 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Cuban journalist Ernesto Nunez Jimenz |
1997/01 |
2444 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Frank Birbalsingh |
1984/10/24 |
1181 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by John Osman - BBC |
1966/05 |
2732 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Leaders Magazine |
1994 |
471 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Carlos Castiho - Manchete magazine |
1968 |
6892 |
Interview of President Cheddi Jagan by Earl Bousquet |
1993/04/18 |
2316 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Mohamed Hamaludin |
1976/09/12 |
1843 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Mr. Searwar |
1957-1961 |
1182 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Peter Reynolds - Canadian Broadcasting Co. |
1966/05 |
745 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Rickey Singh - 1960 |
1960/12/31 |
2308 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Tass Correspondent - 1978 |
1978/11/05 |
6806 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Tass Correspondent - Yuri Ulyanovsky |
1970s late |
2806 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan in Guyana Review - On Independence |
1996/06 |
2678 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan in NACLA by Fred Rosen and Mario Murillo - February 1997 |
1997/02 |
1816 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan on 1957 Elections |
1957 |
1844 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan on Radio Demerara |
1960 |
2598 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan with "International Affairs" |
1988/03 |
2513 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan with BBC - 20th Independence Anniversary - May 1986 |
1986 |
2531 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan with Clem David - BBC Calling - 1986 |
1986/11/20 |
2518 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan with Novosti Press - 1986 |
1986 |
2515 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan with Sita Mohammed -20 Years of Independence - May 1986 |
1986/05 |
4399 |
Interview of Premier Jagan by Eva Chinitz |
1964 |
1632 |
Interview of Premier on Independence Talks |
1962/12/08 |
2735 |
Interview of President Jagan by Gitanjali Persaud - We have established Consultative Democracy - |
1994 |
2734 |
Interview of President Jagan by Sharif Khan - 1994 |
1994/10/09 |
2348 |
Interview taped with Dr. Jagan - 1980 |
1980 |
6749 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan - 1987 |
1987 |
6748 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan - 1990 |
1990 |
2204 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan - People's World |
1974/06/01 |
1312 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan on the IMF |
1985? |
6508 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan Re: Cooking Oil |
pre independence |
5529 |
Interview with President Cheddi Jagan - 1993 |
1993 |
6819 |
Introduction - A New Global Human Order |
1994 |
2004 |
Is Guyana to be Another Vietnam? |
1968 |
729 |
Is Imperialism dead? April 1953 |
1953/04/01 |
4895 |
Jagan Advocates: Federation along Socialist Lines. |
1961/09/30 |
1218 |
Jagan answer D'Aguiar |
1960s late |
6464 |
Jagan call on PM to fulfill promise. |
1971/12/31 |
1806 |
Jagan Charges British Action, Challenges Basis for Democracy |
1953/10/21 |
4980 |
Jagan gives Account of Mission |
1959/08/29 |
1995 |
Jagan Says Elections Being Rigged in Guyana |
1968 |
6891 |
Jagan Sees Future with the Unions |
1983/07/23 |
2406 |
Karl Marx and our times - The struggle for peace and Social Progress |
1983/04 |
2612 |
Labour Relations - Notes at Seminar at Critchlow Labour College |
1988/05/18 |
328 |
Lands and Mine leases - Letters/ |
1957-1959 |
90 |
LDC'S - A Colony Within a Semi-Colony |
1973 |
278 |
Lease of Colony Land - The Small Holdings (Colony Land) Ordinance 1958// Letters from Cheddi Jagan |
1959-1960 |
207 |
Left Deviationism, Extremism and Opportunism |
1956 |
181 |
Legislative Council statement to be presented by Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
1958-08 |
2100 |
Lenin and Our Time |
1970/02 |
2355 |
Leninism in the 1980's |
1980/04/23 |
6 |
Lets Create a Better World - Address at World Social Summit, Denmark |
1995/03/11 |
2811 |
Letter by President Jagan re: Establishment of a NGHO |
1996/08 |
199 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan |
2161 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - December 27, 1972 |
1972/12/27 |
4192 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - Jan 20, 1978 |
1978/01/20 |
1792 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - January 20, 1978 |
1978/01/20 |
6461 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - July 5, 1956 |
1956/07/05 |
739 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - May 23, 1956 |
1956/05/23 |
1635 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - PPP Contribution Letter |
1963/12 |
1814 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re. Sydney King |
1955/04/19; 1957/03 |
2236 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Burnham's Verbal Attack |
1975/04/7 |
5051 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Cooperation Day Celebrations - 1958 |
1958/05/24 |
5035 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Grenada and Guyana |
1979/09 |
4820 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: His Straight Talk Articles |
1965/11/05 |
2234 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Nehru Award |
1975 |
4738 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re; upcoming elections//Letter to PCD members |
1990/05/30; 1990/06/29 |
4785 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to All Comrades at Freedom House |
1983/01/17 |
2289 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Andrew Young, US Ambassador to U.N |
1977/08/10 |
1158 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Anthony Greenwood - June 30, 1965 |
1965/06/30 |
4610 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Atlanta University, Department of Political Science |
1977/09/17 |
776 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to B. Stratchan |
1961/01 |
4755 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Caribbean Council of Churches |
1977/11/16 |
5974 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Cds. |
1972/08/24 |
4787 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee Communist Party of Cuba - 1982 |
1982/06/11 |
4753 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee Communist Party of Cuba - 1989 |
1989/08/10 |
2033 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee, Communist Party Rumania |
1967/07 |
4813 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Chairman Elections Commission - 1973 |
1973/07/09 |
4736 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Chairman Narcotics Abuse - 1990 |
1990/07/21 |
4791 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police - Nov. 3, 1980 |
1980/11/03 |
2222 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police - October 15, 1974 |
1974/10/15 |
4706 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police//PPP/Civic Appeals for Calm and Peace |
1992 |
5319 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Registration |
1973/06/08 |
4741 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Daniel Healey - 1990 |
1990/03/13 |
4193 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Delegates of 2nd Assembly of Caribbean Council of Churches |
1977/11/16 |
1790 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Desmond Hoyte - Feb. 26, 1985 |
1985/02/26 |
4374 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Desmond Hoyte in relations to free and fair elections - 1985 |
1985/02/26 |
4814 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Desmond Hoyte in relations to free and fair elections - 1990 |
1990/09/12 |
5316 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Director of Public Prosecution |
1973/06/18; 1973/06/16 |
916 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Director UN Division of Human Rights |
1979/07/30 |
2115 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Director, Radio Moscow |
1971/06/22 |
4714 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. James Millette - 1975 |
1975/04/02 |
5933 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Nkrumah - 19964 |
1964/06/24 |
4879 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Orrin Dummett - 1942 |
1942/09/04 |
2551 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Orrin Dummett - 1987 |
1987/05/20 |
5959 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Oxaal. |
1971/06/14 |
1810 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor - May 17, 1956 |
1956/05/17 |
5277 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor - re: Suez Canal |
1956/08/18 |
156 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor - Stabroek News re: Civil service |
1959/09/25 |
5577 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor " Mother India - Children Abroad" |
1989/11/21 |
6050 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor "Jamaica Gleaner" |
1964/08/31 |
6047 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor "The Scotsman" |
1964/08/31 |
2523 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Barbados Advocate - 1986 |
1986 |
2645 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Cana |
1989/05/25 |
5225 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard - July 28, 1989 |
1989/07/28 |
6023 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard - July 6, 1989 |
1989/07/06 |
2647 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard 1989 |
1989/05 |
2434 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard June 19, 1984 |
1984/06/19 |
6619 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Argosy - 1957 |
1957/06/14 |
6746 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Argosy - June 14, 1957 |
1957/06/14 |
4883 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Chronicle - 1946 |
1946/07/06 |
4885 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Chronicle - Aug 15,1946 |
1946/08/15 |
2138 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Chronicle - September 13, 1972 |
1972/09/13 |
2657 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Gleaner - 1989 |
1989/10/11 |
427 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Evening Post & Mirror - November 30, 1968 |
1968/11/30 |
260 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - Feb 13, 1958 |
1958/02/13 |
6493 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - Feb. 5, 1971 |
1971/02/05 |
1818 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - July 4, 1957 |
1957/07/04 |
2399 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Chronicle - July 2, 1981 |
1981/07/02 |
1663 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Chronicle - July 21,1981 |
1981/07/21 |
5696 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Chronicle - May 25, 1982 |
1982/05/25 |
4437 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor London Sunday Times - Oct 16, 1967 |
1967/10/16 |
1358 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor New York Times |
1967/07/06 |
2774 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor of the Daily Argosy - Dec 28, 1951 |
1951/12/28 |
2618 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - Dec 31, 1986 |
1986/12/31 |
2537 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - July 11, 1988 |
1988/07/11 |
2559 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - July 21, 1987 |
1987/07/21 |
1547 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - June 14, 1989 |
1989/06/14 |
5551 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Chronicle - May 14, 1987 |
1987/05/14 |
4591 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Graphic - Aug 23, 1975 |
1975/08/25 |
2105 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Graphic - Dec 18,1970 |
1970/12/18 |
2121 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Graphic - Nov 30, 1971 |
1971/11/30 |
2640 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Toronto Star - 1989 |
1989/03 |
2193 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Chicago Tribune - Jan 7, 1974 |
1974/01/07 |
2180 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Evening Post - July 11, 1973 |
1973/07/11 |
2118 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Evening Post - July 12, 1971 |
1971/07/12 |
2133 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Evening Post - June 12, 1972 |
1972/06/12 |
2211 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Express - July 9, 1974 |
1974/07/09 |
2184 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Globe and Mail - July 28, 1973 |
1973/07/28 |
2212 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Guyana Graphic - July 17, 1974 |
1974/07/17 |
2186 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Los Angeles Times - July 30, 1973 |
1973/07/30 |
2187 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, New York Times - July 30, 1973 |
1973/07/03 |
2094 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Sunday Chronicle - Feb 13, 1970 |
1970/02/13 |
2176 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Sunday Graphic - June 21, 1973 |
1973/06/21 |
2179 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Sunday Graphic- July 3, 1973 |
1973/07/03 |
2483 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, The Economist |
1985/10/14 |
2542 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Toronto Star - Feb 26, 1987 |
1987/02/26 |
2113 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Trinidad Guardian - May 25, 1971 |
1971/05/25 |
4821 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Edwin Bankay - 1965 |
1965/11/025 |
4611 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ex-President Carter |
1991/01/26 |
1920 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Friends - 1978 |
1978/06/13 |
5191 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Gary Luggiero. |
1977/05/27 |
5693 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - Jan 22, 1965 |
1965/01/22 |
457 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - Jan 8, 1965 |
1965/01/08 |
6540 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - June 10 1965 |
1965/06/10 |
4382 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - Reply to invitation to comment on the draft election regulations. |
1964/08/22 |
4723 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Hamilton Green - 1976 |
1976/02/-09 |
2544 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Heads of Delegation to Non-Aligned Movement - 1987 |
1987/03/09 |
5975 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to hold Regional Conference -1972 |
1972/07/06 |
5968 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Hon. John Compton Premier of St. Lucia. |
1971/01/20 |
5969 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Hon. Vera Bird |
1971/01/20 |
2333 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Inger Fahlander, Amnesty International |
1979/09/27 |
2511 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to J. H. Pollydore - April 23, 1986 |
1986/04/23 |
5235 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to James Baker |
1990/02/13 |
1907 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to James Millette |
1973/05/22 |
2221 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Jane Fonda - March 7, 1974 |
1974/03/07 |
6901 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Janet Jagan while she was in Prison - November 23, 1954 |
1954/11/23 |
2304 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to L.F.S Burnham - June 22, 1978 |
1978/06/22 |
6463 |
Letter From Cheddi Jagan to L.F.S. Burnham - April 21, 1976 |
1976/04/21 |
2244 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to L.F.S. Burnham - December 11, 1975 |
1975/12/11 |
2409 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to L.F.S. Burnham - June 15, 1983 |
1983/06/15 |
716 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Labour Research Board |
1949/05/01 |
6750 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Leonid Brezhnev - 1978 |
1978/04/17 |
5578 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mark Rentz, Arizona State University |
1990/03/14 |
6824 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute - 1990 |
1990/08/23 |
5588 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Michel Camdessus //Memorandum to Michel Camdessus |
1994/04/02. |
6929 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Michael Manley - April 2nd 1977 |
1977/04/02 |
5348 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mikail Gorbachev |
1990/04/14 |
5264 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of Education Caricom Member Countries |
1989 |
5993 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of Labour & Social Security |
1971/10/08 |
4786 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of State Within the Ministry of Internal Trade And Consumer Protection |
1983/12/21 |
4780 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of Trade and Consumer Protection |
1983/01/18 |
5960 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Republic of Tanzania |
1971/04/15 |
4498 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Andrew Young |
1977/08/10 |
4729 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Basdeo Panday - 1978 |
1978/03/13 |
4752 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Greenwood - October 25, 1965 |
1965/10/25 |
187 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Hassain |
6054 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Humphrey |
1964/08/31 |
4507 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. J.H. Pollydore |
1975/03/17 |
4919 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. MacDougal on Oil in British Guiana |
1956/02/14 |
4459 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Ramesh Deosaran - re: Migration |
1973/03/27 |
4640 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mrs Tanya Menci, Trevor Munroe |
1972; 1974; |
1925 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Neil Sheenhan, New York Times |
1972/07/17 |
5967 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to New Zealand Monthly Review |
1971/05/05 |
4243 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Newspaper Sept 25, 1959 |
1959/09/25 |
2287 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ombudsman - July 14, 1977 |
1977/07/14 |
5926 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Oreallia Mission |
1964/10/13 |
6742 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Party Groups(PPP, PYO, WPO) re: PPP Economic Policy Statement |
1965/08/13 |
4775 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Party Secretaries |
1985/08/15 |
2846 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Patrick Yarde |
1994/10/03 |
4463 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Paul Reichler. |
1991/04/12 |
6601 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to PM Harold Wilson - 1965 |
1965/11/01 |
6687 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to P.M. Michael Manley - 1977 |
1977/04/02 |
5833 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to PNC - 1985 |
1985 |
2279 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Arthur Chung - February 3, 1977 |
1977/02/03 |
6010 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President G. W. Bush - 1991 |
1991/12 |
5265 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Human Rights Commission - 1951. |
1951/11/06 |
5224 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Jimmy Carter. |
1992/05/05 |
2415 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Ronald Reagan (USA) |
1983/08/19 |
1444 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Prime Minister of Malta - 1982 |
1982/01/23 |
5270 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Professor Titmuss, London School of Economics |
1961/04/19 |
6260 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to R. Butler, Chief Elections Officer |
1968/12/30 |
5568 |
Letter From Cheddi Jagan to Rabinowitz Foundation |
1965/05/10 |
348 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Rev.A. C. Forrest, Editor., United Church Observer |
1972/08/15 |
1817 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Richard Ishmael |
1957/06/28 |
526 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ron Saunders |
1975/02/04 |
6495 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Rudy Collins, Chairman of Elections Commission - 1991 |
1991/08/16 |
1911 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Sam Walsh |
1978/02/27 |
1080 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Secretary of State - Dec. 1964 |
1964/12/11-12 |
6613 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Secretary of State, Great Britain - 1965 |
1965/01/14 |
4717 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Secretary Social Democratic Party, Germany - 1991 |
1991/08/13 |
5332 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Senator Frank Church |
1976/01/08 |
4789 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Senator Kennedy - 1990 |
1990/07/06 |
1658 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Senator Kennedy -1992 |
1992/08/01 |
1909 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Sir Shridath Ramphal, Chairman The West Indian Commission |
1990/07/20 |
4740 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Soviet Foreign Minister - 1990 |
1990/05/14 |
6490 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Soviet Peace Council - 1976 |
1976/02/16 |
5323 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission - June 15, 1973 |
1973/06/15 |
5326 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission - June 20, 1973 |
1973/06/20 |
5330 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission. |
1973/06/23 |
584 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Commissioner of Police, 1974 |
1974/10/15 |
6872 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor Advocate News, Barbados |
1980/01/28 |
4798 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor of Graphic - June 26, 1976 |
1976/06/26 |
4402 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor of the Latin American Institute |
1981/05/25 |
5189 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor, Guyana Graphic - Jan 2, 1969 |
1969/01/02 |
1903 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to The General Manager, Radio Station G.B.S., |
1978/06/03 |
4639 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Korean National Peace Committee |
1972/03/14 |
5230 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the President of French Guyana |
1990/02/16 |
5221 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the President of Suriname |
1990/02/15 |
1690 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to The Secretary General Commonwealth Parliamentary Association |
1980/10/21 |
6242 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Tim Hector |
1972/08/10 |
2376 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to University of Guyana - 1981 |
1981/07/21 |
6823 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Working People's Alliance (WPA) |
1980 |
5564 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Working People's Alliance (WPA) - September 1, 1983 |
1983/09/01 |
6173 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan, Minister of Trade and Industry to R.B. Garaj, Esq., Deputy Speaker. |
1958/05/24 |
6889 |
Letter from Harold Wilson to Premier Jagan - July 12, 1963 |
1963/07/12 |
5924 |
Letter from Premier of BG to the British Prime Minister on the Decision of the Secretary of the State |
1963/11/07 |
4696 |
Letter from Premier to Attorney General//Letter to Governor - June 1962 |
1962/06 |
807 |
Letter from Premier to British Prime Minister - 1964//Statement by Senator Janet Jagan, Minister of Home Affairs |
1964/06/24 |
1510 |
Letter from Premier to British Prime Minister - Nov 28, 1963 |
1963/11/28 |
5300 |
Letter from Premier to Chandra Jha, Chairman, Committee of Seventeen, United Nations |
1962/07/05 |
781 |
Letter from Premier to Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade |
1963/06/11 |
1507 |
Letter from Premier to Forbes Burnham - June 6, 1964 |
1964/06/06 |
1140 |
Letter from Premier to Governor - 1964/07/10 |
1964/07/10 |
5062 |
Letter from Premier to Governor 1962 |
1962/06/28 |
374 |
Letter from Premier to Governor June 10, 1965 |
1965/06/10 |
4824 |
Letter from Premier to Governor R. Luyt - Nov 6, 1964 |
1964/11/06 |
4592 |
Letter from Premier to Governor Ralph Grey - September 1963 |
1963/09/04 |
4873 |
Letter from Premier to Governor Sir Ralph Grey - Aug. 29, 1962 |
1962/08/29 |
5286 |
Letter from Premier to Governor Sir Ralph Grey - December 7, 1962 |
1962/12/07 |
5839 |
Letter from Premier to Governor Sir Ralph Grey - July 2, 1962 |
1962/07/02 |
6465 |
Letter from Premier to Governor Sir Ralph Grey - May 24, 1961 |
1961/05/24 |
4420 |
Letter from Premier to Minister of Home Affairs - 1963 |
1963/03/07 |
4908 |
Letter from Premier to Mr. C.S. Jha, United Nations |
1962/07/12 |
6643 |
Letter from Premier to Mr. d'Aguiar - November 30, 1964 |
1964/11/30 |
5929 |
Letter from Premier to Mr. J.N. Durant |
1964/10/13 |
5550 |
Letter from Premier to Mr. Maloney |
1964/08/25 |
6637 |
Letter from Premier to Mr. Nyerere - June 18, 1964 |
1964/06/18 |
778 |
Letter from Premier to President J. F. Kennedy - April 1963 |
1963/04/16 |
5542 |
Letter from Premier to the British Prime Minister - 1964 |
1964/06/24 |
4889 |
Letter from Premier to U Thant, Secretary General United Nations |
1962 |
5581 |
Letter from President Jagan on the Support of an Aid Package |
1993/06 |
5590 |
Letter from President Jagan to Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, (WHO) |
1994/05/26 |
5204 |
Letter from President Jagan to King Fahad Ibn Abdalaziz |
1995/11 |
15 |
Letter from President Jagan to Mr. James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank |
1996/02/12 |
5238 |
Letter from President Jagan to Mr. Singh re: Venezuela |
1995/09/12 |
6890 |
Letter from President Jagan to Secretary General United Nations - Feb 16, 1996 |
1996/02/12 |
644 |
Letter from President Jagan to Navin Chandarpal - 1994 |
1994/10/10 |
4713 |
Letter from President Jagan to Navin Chandarpal - 1994 - Re: Geology and Mines |
1994/10/10 |
4779 |
Letter from President Jagan to President Clinton Re: NAFTA |
1994/05/04 |
4387 |
Letter from President Jagan to President French Guiana - 1995 |
1995 |
6648 |
Letter from/to Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police on December 9, 1985 |
1985/12/09 |
2302 |
Letter from/to Cheddi Jagan to/from Romesh Chandra - May 16, 1978 |
1978/05/16 |
4993 |
Letter from/to Premier to/from Governor Sir Ralph Grey - June 1962 |
1962/06/13; 1962/06/28 |
833 |
Letter from/to Premier to/from Governor Sir Ralph Grey - June 7, 1961 |
1961/06/07; 1961/06/14 |
1073 |
Letter from/to Premier to/from Secretary of State - Oct 20, 1964 |
1964/10/20; 1964/11/02 |
4737 |
Letter from/to President Jagan to/from Dean of Northwestern University - 1993 |
1993/06/11 |
5006 |
Letter in Service of Struggle for Freedom |
1959/12/30 |
5919 |
Letter to Premier from Senator Jocelyn Hubbard// Handwritten note from Premier |
1962/08/24. |
5950 |
Letter to Richard E. Luyt. from the Acting Premier re South African Political Prisoners |
1964 |
5972 |
Letter to/from Cheddi Jagan from/to Ivar Oxaal. |
1971/05/07; 1971/05/20 |
1184 |
Letter to/from Cheddi Jagan from/to PM Burnham//Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan |
1966/05/20 |
482 |
Letter to/from President Jagan to President Clinton on export of rice to Jamaica |
1993/08/26 |
174 |
Letters - Barter contracts re sale of Bauxite. |
1959/03 |
4354 |
Letters between Cheddi Jagan and Tanya Menci |
1975/01/18 |
1919 |
Letters from and to Cheddi Jagan - 1972-1976 |
1972-1976 |
1908 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan - 1977 |
1977 |
4332 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan on Upcoming Elections and Proposals to P.C.D Members. |
1990/05/30 |
5973 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan Re: Caribbean Conference to be held in Guyana |
1972/08/01 |
1719 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to Anthony Greenwood, Secretary of State for the Colonies |
1965 |
4362 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Paul Benitez Zentano and Mrs. Majorie Persaud |
1974/12/07 |
5507 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to International Friends - 1972-1974 |
1972-1974 |
5313 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission - May - June 1973 |
1973/05/29; 1973/06/06; 1973/0 |
4540 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to the Speaker, Mr. Sase Narain, and also the Leader of the House, Mr. Cammie Ramsaroop. |
1978/06/13 |
6828 |
Letters from Premier Jagan to Governor Sir Ralph Grey re: Venezuela and Suriname Boundaries - 1963 |
1963/08/07; 1963/08/15 |
5948 |
Letters from Premier to Governor - June 1963 |
1963/06/12 |
1915 |
Letters from/to Cheddi Jagan re: visit to Howard University - 1978 |
1977-1978 |
5824 |
Letters Jagan/Hoyte re: Peace Accord - Sept 18-Oct 16, 1990 |
1990/09/18-1990/10/16 |
5199 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Anthony Greenwood - Nov. 2, 1964 |
1964/11/02 |
6655 |
Letters to/from Ian Carew to Cheddi Jagan -1975 - Moscow is not my Mecca |
1975/Feb-March |
1842 |
Liberty and Justice |
1958 |
6646 |
Looking for the Way Forward |
1992 |
2311 |
Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi |
1978 |
6586 |
Marxism-Leninism, an Invincible Force |
1971 |
2606 |
May Day 1988 - Address by Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
1988/05/01 |
1344 |
May Day Message by Cheddi Jagan - 1967 |
1967/05/01 |
1831 |
May Day Message from Cheddi Jagan to American people -1958 |
1958 |
2262 |
May Day Speech by Cheddi Jagan - 1976 |
1976/05/01 |
2476 |
May Day Speech by Cheddi Jagan - Guyana's Future is Socialist -1985 |
1985/05/01 |
2547 |
May Day Speech by Cheddi Jagan -1987 |
1987/05/01 |
1405 |
Meet the Ministers - The Hon'ble Dr. C.B.Jagan and Audrey Salamalay |
1953/08/09 |
4899 |
Meet the Press. |
1961/12/15 |
741 |
Meeting with Essequibo rice farmers |
1958/06/28 |
2242 |
Meeting with Mass Media - August 1975 & Press statement |
1975/08 |
794 |
Meeting with the Press |
1964/01 |
6826 |
Memorandum by Cheddi Jagan for an Acceptable Voters' List - 1991 |
1991/11/08 |
869 |
Memorandum by Cheddi Jagan on Report of the BG Electoral Boundaries Commission 1960 |
1960/12/06 |
1051 |
Memorandum by Cheddi Jagan to Labour Party, UK - 1953 |
1953/10/30 |
162 |
Memorandum by Cheddi Jagan, the Minister of Trade and Industry |
1960/12/02 |
12 |
Memorandum by President Cheddi Jagan on Caricom Intersessional Meeting - St. Vincent |
1994/03/11-12 |
2712 |
Memorandum by President Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Michel Camdessus - IMF |
1994/03/11-12 |
774 |
Memorandum by the Premier on Canadian University Service Overseas |
1962/12/08 |
769 |
Memorandum by the Premier to the United Nations on the Independence Issue in British Guiana |
1962/07 |
713 |
Memorandum on Sugar Industry (Venn Commission) |
1948/08/01 |
2464 |
Memorandum on Violations of Civil & Political Rights & Subversion of the Constitution of Guyana |
1979/09 |
6642 |
Memorandum to Commonwealth Team of Observers at December 7, 1964 BG Elections |
1964/12 |
2827 |
Memorandum to Hemispheric Summit Conference on Sustainable Development |
1996/12/07 |
6743 |
Message by Cheddi Jagan in Honour of Paul Robeson |
1976 |
6811 |
Message by Cheddi Jagan on Ghana's Independence Day |
1958/03 |
1833 |
Message by Cheddi Jagan to Clarion |
1958? |
2617 |
Message by Cheddi Jagan to the Jaycees of Guyana |
1988/06/28 |
2709 |
Message by President Cheddi Jagan on Republic Day 1994 |
1994/02/23 |
5362 |
Message by President Jagan "in Honour of Energy Week" 1994 |
1994 |
5559 |
Message by President Jagan to Lions Club - 1993 |
1993/08/16 |
6785 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan & L.F.S. Burnham to Friends |
1953/12/02 |
1368 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan on 50th Anniversary of Great October Revolution |
1967/10 |
2380 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan on 64th Anniversary of Great October Revolution |
1981/11 |
6856 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan on Eid-Al-Fitr |
1940 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan on India's Republic Day |
1968/01/25 |
6758 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan on India's Republic Day for Patriot |
4986 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan on Youth Forum for National Independence, Liberation & Peace |
1964/09/16-26 |
6747 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan to 9th National Convention of West Indies Jaycees |
1969 |
1375 |
Message from Cheddi Jagan to Amerindian Association |
1967/09 |
954 |
Message from Premier for Newspapermen |
1963/08/19 |
5503 |
Message from Premier of British Guiana -International Credit Union Day 1961 |
1961 |
2717 |
Message from President Jagan on 28th Independence to Overseas Guyanese |
1994/05/26 |
2759 |
Message from President Jagan on 50th Anniversary of V.J. Day in England |
1995/08/16 |
5532 |
Message from President Jagan on Eid-ul-Asha - 1993 |
1993/06/01 |
5544 |
Message from President Jagan on Emancipation Day - 1993 |
1993/08/01 |
790 |
Message from the Premier to Nation on Eve of Departure to the UN |
1963/09/06 |
717 |
Misc. documents by Cheddi Jagan in the 1950's |
1950s |
860 |
Money is ill Spent on Armament |
1957 |
1190 |
Morality and Politics |
1966/06/12 |
4828 |
More International Aid for BG |
1961/07/29 |
6478 |
More Racialism a Result of Proportional Representation (P.R.) |
1964 |
734 |
Mother sucks children-1954 |
1954 |
1802 |
Motion by Cheddi Jagan at Caribbean Conference |
1950 |
5978 |
Motion by Cheddi Jagan in the Legislative Assembly Re: South Africa |
1952/05/30 |
2320 |
Motion by Cheddi Jagan on Nicaragua - October 5, 1978 |
1978/10/05 |
1837 |
Motion for Constitution Committee - Bill of Rights |
1959/04/24 |
1823 |
1957 |
5615 |
Multiculturalism in Guyana |
1995 |
5901 |
Multi-Ethnic Caribbean Society (Paper delivered in Guadeloupe) |
1990/12/21 |
789 |
My Credo - Here I Stand |
1962/07/22 |
1871 |
Nail this Wicked Propaganda! |
1959/01/31 |
2756 |
National Democracy |
1995/08 |
2319 |
National Liberation and Development |
1978 |
1432 |
National Unity |
1993 |
2423 |
Nationalism: Progressive and Reactionary |
1983 |
5611 |
New Constitution Entrenches Burnham's Personal Dictatorship |
1980/10 |
2351 |
New Constitution Ushers in Creeping Dictatorship in Guyana |
1980 |
592 |
New Development Strategy Needed |
1976 circa |
86 |
New Imperialist Strategy |
1972 |
2297 |
New Linkup with Imperialism Leading to Authoritarian Rule |
1978/01/31 |
5725 |
New Tasks for the New Era |
1965/01 |
5689 |
New Year Address to Nation by President Jagan - 1993 |
1993/01/01 |
1835 |
New Year Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan - 1959 |
1959/01 |
236 |
New Year Greetings by Cheddi Jagan's 1958 |
1958/01 |
2018 |
New Year message by Cheddi Jagan -1969 |
1969/01/01 |
2733 |
New Year Message by President Jagan - 1994 |
1994/12/31 |
4293 |
New Year message from Cheddi Jagan - 1967 |
1967 |
6898 |
New Year message from Cheddi Jagan - 1969 |
1969 |
5783 |
New Year message from Cheddi Jagan - 1972 |
1972/01/01 |
2593 |
New Year Message from Cheddi Jagan - 1988 |
1988/01/03 |
4969 |
New Year message from Cheddi Jagan 1959 - War on Waste |
1959/01/10 |
2388 |
New Year Message from Cheddi Jagan for Overseas Groups |
1982/01 |
200 |
New Year Message from Cheddi Jagan for Rice Industry |
1959/01/03 |
4586 |
New Year Message from Cheddi Jagan to Rice Farmers - 1959 |
1959/01/01 |
4815 |
New Year Message from Premier 1962//Address by Janet Jagan to Peace Council in Sweden |
1961/12 |
2736 |
New Year Message from President Jagan - 1996 |
1996/01/01 |
38 |
New year's Address by President Jagan to the Nation - Dec 31, 1992 |
1992/12/31 |
6745 |
New Years Greeting from Cheddi Jagan - January 1992 |
1992/01 |
5812 |
Newspaper clipping - Cheddi Jagan Pledges |
1972 |
1142 |
Nine months of Coalition rule |
1965/09 |
5708 |
Non-Aligned Fiction - The Foreign Policy Debate |
1967/04 |
6834 |
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) |
1980s |
2391 |
Non-Alignment as a Viable Alternative for Regional Cooperation |
1982/03/15-19, |
2 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan for Central Committee Meeting May 2 -3, 1992 |
1992/05 |
5936 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan for Discussion with P.M. Burnham on National Unity - April 1975 |
1975/04 |
1706 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan for Enmore Martyrs Day - 1995 |
1995 |
2621 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan for Speech at GAWU Congress |
1988 |
2203 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan for Talks with Rand Corporation in May 1974 |
1974/05 |
2361 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan of Speech at joint PPP-WPA meeting at Bourda Mall |
1980/07/10 |
2365 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan of Speech to WPO Congress November 1-2, 1980 |
1980/11/1-2 |
6807 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan on Dr. Rodney's Funeral |
1980/06 |
6524 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan on Hoyte //Speakers Notes 1991 |
1991 |
2331 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan on Meeting at Bourda Mall on Sept 10, 1979 |
1979/09/10 |
6765 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan on Speech in National Assembly on Nicaragua |
1985 |
209 |
Notes by Cheddi Jagan on Trinidad |
1961 |
460 |
Notes by Premier of British Guiana on the attitude of U.K. Governments |
1962? |
788 |
Notes by Premier on Govt's role in Industrial Development and its Attitude to Private Enterprise |
1963-1964 |
5419 |
Notes by Premier on International Relations |
1961-1964 |
1509 |
Notes by Premier on Proportional Representation - 1964 |
1964 |
2718 |
Notes by President Cheddi Jagan for Enmore Martyrs Day - June 1994 |
1994/06 |
2713 |
Notes by President Cheddi Jagan for Press Conference at Film Centre |
1994/03/18 |
2748 |
Notes for His Excellency's Meeting with fifth and sixth formers |
1995/06/29 |
2373 |
Notes for Lecture by Cheddi Jagan |
1981/03 |
2728 |
Notes for President Jagan on the Observance of World Food Day and the Opening of the World Food Day Exhibition |
1994/10/15 |
2315 |
Notes for Speech by Cheddi Jagan |
1978 |
6496 |
Notes from Cheddi Jagan - Jan. 15, 1960 |
1960/01/15 |
5501 |
Notes from Cheddi Jagan to P.S |
1960/07/19 |
727 |
Notes from Prison (1954) |
1954 |
2256 |
Notes from the Caribbean |
1975 |
2402 |
Notes of Address at Great October Revolution Celebration on Nov 2, 1982 |
1982/11/02 |
341 |
Notes of Cheddi Jagan's interview with Mr. Henri Saby |
1992/04 |
1934 |
Notes of Cheddi Jagan's Speech - ERP Structural Adjustment Without a Human Face |
1993 |
5579 |
Notes of Cheddi Jagan's speech at PSOJ Jamaica |
1992/04/15 |
4668 |
Notes of Lecture by Cheddi Jagan - Guyana : Its Survival and Role in the 21ST Century |
1991/06/21 |
4321 |
Notes of President Cheddi Jagan's Speech at the Signing of Iwokrama Rainforest Agreement |
1995/11/10 |
1800 |
Notes on "Democracy and Development: race, Class and Ideology for first Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin |
1988 |
6468 |
Notes on Anatomy of Poverty of Emerging Countries |
1960s |
6538 |
Notes on Cheddi Jagan's Talks with the West Indian Commission |
5000 |
Notes on International Situation - 1989 |
1989/08 |
4409 |
Notes on Paper - Race, Class and Nationhood |
1988 |
1709 |
Notes on Rigged 1968 Guyana General Elections |
1968 |
4731 |
Notes on The Anatomy of Poverty in Poor Countries |
1960s |
5548 |
Notes to the Premier - 1962-1964 |
1962-1964 |
6894 |
Notice of Political Meeting with Cheddi Jagan - Oct 24, 1947 |
1947/10 |
712 |
Notice in Legislative Council - 1948/05/07 |
1948/05/07 |
196 |
Notice of Motion by Cheddi Jagan - Be it resolved ... that British Guiana should be an Independent State. |
1959/04/28 |
4235 |
Notice of Motion//Notice of Questions//Fourth Legislative Council-1952//Local Government Elections//Notice to Quit. |
1951; 1952 |
718 |
Notice of Questions |
1952/09/27 |
4514 |
Notice to all Central Committee Members and Party Organisers |
1975/05/07 |
4802 |
On the Question of a Political Alliance |
1984/05/26 |
1830 |
On West Indian Federation |
1958 |
2698 |
Only PPP offers Genuine Freedom |
1964/12 |
1750 |
Open Letter by Cheddi Jagan to Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement |
1980s |
1353 |
Open Letter from Cheddi Jagan - Come Again Mbulu |
1967/06/11 |
2632 |
Open Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police |
1988/12 |
744 |
Open Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. D'Aguiar |
1960/10/15 |
2522 |
Open Letter from Cheddi Jagan to PM Errol Barrow |
1986/07/21 |
2329 |
Open Letter Re.Violations of Civil & Political Rights & Subversion of the Constitution of Guyana |
1979/09 |
5726 |
Open Letter to Delegates - Non-Aligned Movement - 1987 |
1987 |
4581 |
Open letter to Mr. Anthony Greenwood, Secretary of State for the Colonies |
1965/04/30 |
2225 |
Open Letter to Sugar Workers from Cheddi Jagan - 1974 |
1974 |
4697 |
Opening Statement by President Jagan at a press conference//Office of the President//1996 |
1996/09/27 |
6597 |
Origins of the System |
1950s |
1078 |
Our Duty - To Serve Our Nation |
1964/12 |
5701 |
Our Humble Duty |
1964/12 |
5857 |
Our Objective is the Construction of Socialism Based on Marxism-Leninism |
1970s |
2454 |
Our people deserve a better future |
1970/02/23 |
10 |
Paper by President Jagan for UN Sponsored World Hearing on Development |
1994/06/06 |
2821 |
Paper by President Jagan for York University, Toronto: Sustainable development in the Americas |
1996/10/31 |
62 |
Paper by President Jagan to the European Commission |
1994/09 |
6501 |
Peace, Prosperity and Plenty |
621 |
Peaceful Co-Existence |
1976 |
96 |
People's Power |
1972 |
2643 |
Perspectives of Caribbean Unity |
1989/05 |
1628 |
Petition to the United Nations |
1960 |
2219 |
PNC Has a Rightist-Racialist Past |
1974 |
2120 |
PNC Moves Towards Neo-Fascism |
1971/11/20 |
4280 |
PNC Rigging the Constitution |
1978/07/29 |
2353 |
PNC Thuggery and Police Complicity |
1980/03/08 |
2049 |
PNC- USA Deal |
1969 |
6871 |
Political Awakening & Constitutional Growth |
1953/12/13 |
5382 |
Political Flexibility, Ideological Implacability |
1975/12 |
1926 |
Political Situation - 1984 |
1984 |
914 |
Political Solution - 1985 |
1985/01/19-20 |
2411 |
Political Thought in Contemporary Caribbean |
1983/06/26-07/02 |
2093 |
Political Warnings |
1970/02/02 |
2692 |
Pot Boils in Canada |
1964 |
5676 |
Poverty, Cause and Cure |
1977 |
6583 |
Poverty, Cause and Cure |
1970s |
2602 |
Poverty: Cause and Cure |
1988/04 |
2128 |
Poverty: Cause and Cure in Developing Countries |
1972/03 |
2343 |
PPP - Torch Bearers for Social Progress (PPP Celebrates 30th Anniversary) |
1980/01 |
265 |
PPP 15th Congress Report - For a United Free Guyana |
1968/08 |
1456 |
PPP 1956 Congress Speech by Cheddi Jagan |
1956 |
2491 |
PPP 1985 Election Broadcast |
1985/11/19 |
6661 |
PPP 22nd Congress Reports |
1985/08/3-5 |
2484 |
PPP and the Role of the Private Sector |
1985 |
2401 |
PPP Central Committee report to 21st congress |
1982/07/30-2 |
5086 |
PPP Congress report 1990 |
1990 |
599 |
PPP Declaration for Freedom |
1991/10/27 |
205 |
PPP for Peaceful Electoral Road - Guyana Must Heal its Wounds |
1991/08/01 |
6639 |
PPP Leader Will Not Serve On Efficiency Committee |
1967/09/30 |
1578 |
PPP Manifesto 1991 |
1991 |
6536 |
PPP Predicted Course of Events |
1970/02/16 |
2533 |
PPP Press Statement - Beware of the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) |
1986/12 |
1237 |
PPP Press Statement - Imperialist intrigues in the Caribbean/US Political Pressure on France and CDB |
1981 |
2293 |
PPP Press Statement - October 8, 1977 |
1977/10/08 |
4633 |
PPP Press Statement//Imperialist Intrigues in the Caribbean// Cheddi Jagan on US Political Pressures on France |
1981/06/27 |
4562 |
PPP Press Statements - 1966, 1977-1979 |
1966; 1977-1979 |
1319 |
PPP Press Statements - 1971-72; 1979-1980; 1990 |
1971-72; 1979-80; 1990 |
2525 |
PPP Press Statements - 1989-1992//PPP 24th Congress |
1989-1992 |
504 |
PPP Press Statements -1970-1976 |
1970,1972,1973,1976 |
1428 |
PPP Press Statements -1976// May Day 1976 Speech by Dr. Jagan//Poverty Cause and Cure |
1976 |
2480 |
PPP Struggles for TUC Freedom |
1978-1986 |
5484 |
PPP - The Party - Report on period between 23rd and 24th PPP Congr |
1991/07 |
2175 |
PPP's Foundations for Progress Destroyed by PNC |
1973/06/17 |
2097 |
PPP's Predicted Course of Events |
1970/02/16 |
2482 |
Pragmatism and Rightist Opportunism |
1984/05/20 |
1287 |
Premier Jagan Answers Questions on Venezuela Claim to British Guiana |
1960s |
4901 |
Premier Jagan clarifies his Policy. |
1961/10/23 |
787 |
Premier speaks on US Foreign Policy to British Guiana |
1963 |
4615 |
Presentation on Sugar by the President of Guyana to Heads of Government Conference - 1993 |
1993/07/02 |
1426 |
President Jagan Speaks on Environment and Development - Selected Speeches - 1992-1997 |
1992-1997 |
1435 |
Press Conference 1953//Statement to the press by Hon. Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Hon L.F.S. Burnham on October 22nd 1953 |
1953/10/22 |
1927 |
Press Conference at the White House,1993//Remarks by President Cheddi Jagan at Luncheon, 1993 |
1993/08/30 |
1627 |
Press conference by Cheddi Jagan - December 10, 1960 |
1960/12/10 |
1848 |
Press Conference by Cheddi Jagan on Cooking Oil |
1958 |
2840 |
Press Conference by President Jagan - 1996 |
1996/08/27 |
2086 |
Press Freedom in Jeopardy in Guyana |
1972/07/28 |
1989 |
Press Release by Cheddi Jagan July 19, 1962 |
1962/07/19 |
5215 |
Press Release by Cheddi Jagan on Oct. 5, 1964 |
1964/10/05 |
1624 |
Press Release by Cheddi Jagan re: Release of Kenyatta |
1961/08/05 |
5291 |
Press Release by Office of Premier - Nov. 13, 1964 |
1964/11/13 |
759 |
Press Release by Premier - Maulding's Statement on Independence |
1962/01 |
761 |
Press Release by Premier on Independence Issue in the United Nations |
1962/01/23 |
4315 |
Press Release by Premier on the Banning of Mr. Nascimento |
1963/03/02 |
1488 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - 1976 |
1967/03 |
2433 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - April 14, 1984 |
1984/04/14 |
4900 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - April 1977 |
1977/04 |
4617 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - August 1980 |
1980/08/16 |
5910 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Dec 19, 1989 |
1989/12/19 |
5947 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Feb 26, 1972 |
1972/02/26 |
4528 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - February 24, 1968 |
1968/02/24 |
5721 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - No Talks Until Detainees Released |
1965/10 |
6467 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Nov 1, 1951 |
1951/11/01 |
5479 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Political Solution is Vital |
1989/12/19 |
2414 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Stop the IMF and Devaluation |
1983/08/12 |
2528 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - The Breakdown of Gorbachyev-Regan Talks -1986 |
1986/10/14 |
4501 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Vigilance still needed for free polls |
1990/10/20 |
178 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan and Edward Beharry//Note of a meeting held in Mr. Luck's Office |
1958/06/26 |
5727 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan Dec 9, 1965 |
1965/12/09 |
5932 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan on "Critical Support" |
1976 |
2395 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan on April 13,1982 |
1982/04/13 |
2362 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan on August 16, 1980 |
1980/08/16 |
5251 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Feb. 25, 1978 |
1978/02/25 |
2616 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Haiti |
1988/06/22 |
172 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan on July 24,1966 |
1966/07/24 |
2223 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan re: Police Search of Home |
1974/08 |
4790 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan, PPP General Secretary |
1985-1990 |
5828 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan, PPP Minister of Trade and Industry |
1950s - late |
202 |
Press statement by Cheddi Jagan, PPP Minister of Trade and Industry participating in Government of British Guiana |
1957-1961 |
263 |
Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan// PPP Press Statement - Oppose Dictatorship// PPP Parliamentarians on Protest Vigil |
1978/02/25; 1979/10/05; |
5206 |
Press Statement by Premier Jagan Nov 12, 1964 |
1964/11/12 |
5197 |
Press Statement by Premier Jagan Nov 13, 1964 |
1964/11/13 |
5208 |
Press Statement by Premier Jagan Nov 28, 1964 |
1964/11/28 |
5161 |
Press Statement by Premier Jagan Oct. 17, 1964 |
1964/10/17 |
762 |
Press Statement by Premier on M.P.C.A. |
1962 |
4277 |
Press Statement by Premier, Dr. C. Jagan |
1960s |
203 |
Press Statement by Premier//British Guiana Constitutional Conference |
1960 |
5268 |
Press Statement by the GS of People's Progressive Party - May 7, 1974 |
1974/05/07 |
4450 |
Press Statements by PPP - Jan-Feb 1973//Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan |
1973/02/01 |
4966 |
Printing Contract |
1959/02/14 |
732 |
Prisoners walk out-1954 |
1954 |
2661 |
Prospects for Socialism in Developing Countries |
1989 |
2352 |
Questions to Cheddi Jagan by Tass News Agency - 1980 |
1980/03/04 |
5262 |
Questions to Cheddi Jagan by Tass News Agency - 1982 |
1982/11/01 |
6808 |
Race and Class in the Struggle for Social Advance in the Caribbean |
1789 |
Race and Politics in Guyana |
1974/06 |
2194 |
Race, Class and Ideology |
1974/03 |
2622 |
Race, Class and Nationhood: The Afro-Guyanese Experience |
1988/08 |
2609 |
Race, Class and Nationhood: The Indo-Guyanese Experiences |
1988/05 |
6634 |
Racism and Its Roots in Guyana |
1967 |
113 |
Radical Change |
1979 |
2366 |
Radio Address by Cheddi Jagan - November 19, 1980 |
1980/11/19 |
1822 |
Radio Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on Diwali |
1957 |
2426 |
Radio Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on GBS on US Aggression against Nicaragua |
1983 |
2514 |
Radio Broadcast by Cheddi Jagan on May Day 1986 |
1986/05/01 |
4795 |
Radio Broadcast by Premier on Economic Planning -September 12 and 13, 1964 |
1964/09/12 |
2448 |
Radio Interview with GBS (Incomplete) |
1984/12/31 |
1068 |
Radio interview with Premier - Sept 5, 1964 |
1964/09/05 |
6479 |
Rai's Backtracking of Events in British Guiana |
1960s - late |
6833 |
Reactivation of the Cold War and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) |
1980s |
6505 |
Reagan Launches a Rightist Offensive Against the Left |
1982 |
2586 |
Reagan Wants Superiority |
1987 |
6484 |
Rebuilding Guyana's Highways to Progress |
1996 |
561 |
Regan's Militarisation Plans rejected |
1987 |
1969 |
Religion and Imperialism |
1968/08 |
5202 |
Reorganisation and Expansion of the Security Forces - 1964 |
1964/11/18 |
2398 |
Reply to Questions by Catholic Standard |
1982/05/13 |
5371 |
Report by Cheddi Jagan to 13th PPP Congress - 1966 |
1966/08/27-28 |
1496 |
Report by Cheddi Jagan to 19th PPP Congress |
1976/07/31 |
2529 |
Report by Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee PPP - October 1986 |
1986/10/25-26 |
2627 |
Report by Cheddi Jagan to PPP Central Committee -1988 |
1988 |
5422 |
Report by General Secretary to the PPP Central Committee |
1990/05/05 |
905 |
Report by President Jagan on Guyana/Venezuela Relations |
1993 |
352 |
Report by the observers on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Federation |
1957/10 |
756 |
Report by the Premier on his visit to Israel, Tanganyika, United Kingdom & United Nations |
1961/12 |
6596 |
Report by the Premier, Dr. C.B, Jagan on the Conference of Commonwealth Caribbean Countries - 1964 |
1964/02/07 |
1447 |
Report of the British Guiana Constitutional Conference, 1960 |
1960/03 |
2731 |
Report of the Central Committee to the 25th Congress of the People's Progressive Party delivered by Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
1994/12/3-4 |
2327 |
Report of the Central Committee to the PPP 20th Congress by Cheddi Jagan |
1979/08/06 |
350 |
Report on Printing and sale of Thunder/Letter from Dr. Jagan |
1956/01/06 |
6744 |
Report on Visit Abroad by Cheddi Jagan |
1975 |
1755 |
Resolutions on Guyana - Presidential Committee of the World Peace Council |
1972/10/28 |
2788 |
Response by Cheddi Jagan to the High Commission of India's statement: at the Inauguration of a catalogue exhibition |
1996/01/22 |
2312 |
Rigged Referendum Opens New stage of Struggle |
1978 |
1494 |
Rising Confrontation in Guyana |
1975 |
2438 |
Role of the State in Development |
1984 |
23 |
Rooting for Labour |
1993/08 |
2535 |
Roots of Hunger |
1986 |
5023 |
Rumblings in Latin America - 1960 |
1960/06/04 |
2170 |
Salute to Paul Robeson |
1973 |
30 |
Selected Speeches, 1992-1994 |
1995 |
1014 |
Situation in British Guiana. |
1964 |
469 |
Social Inequality |
1970s |
5483 |
Socialism and Democracy. |
1961/10/24 |
4408 |
Socialism and Eastern Europe |
1990/03 |
1965 |
Socialism for Guyana |
1968 |
5827 |
Socialism Will Surpass Capitalism |
1965 |
5027 |
South Africa: Boycott their Games and Goods |
1959/01/03 |
2295 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan - 1977 |
1977 |
2644 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan - May Day 1989 |
1989/05/01 |
6226 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan "Sunday at Noon" |
1959/12/06 |
2260 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at 25th Congress of CPSU in Moscow |
1976/02 |
2372 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at 26th Congress of CPSU in Moscow |
1981/02 |
2576 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at 70th Anniversary of October Socialist Revolution - 1987 |
1987/11/4-5 |
2065 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at Afro-Asian-Peoples' Solidarity Org. Meeting |
1970/11/09-11 |
6043 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at All-People Rally |
1990/10/13 |
6751 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at Conference in USSR - 1970 |
1970 |
2582 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at Freedom House Reception - 1987 - 40 years in Parliament |
1987/12/18 |
1369 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at International Conference in Support of Arab Peoples |
1967/11/11 |
931 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at Launching of National Dialogue |
1990/09/03 |
2422 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at Meeting Sponsored by "Pravda" and CPSU |
1983/11/9-10 |
585 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at Opening of Dharmic Sabah's Kendra |
1991/05/05 |
4560 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at PNP Conference. |
1993 |
98 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at the Conference of Communist Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean on June 9-13, 1975 |
1975/06/09-13 |
6881 |
Speech by Premier at Technical Institute Prize Giving Night - Thursday, 4th April, 1963 |
1963/04/04 |
459 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at the Twelfth Anniversary Dinner of National Guardian |
1959 |
2585 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at University of Guyana - 1987 |
1987 |
2123 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan at World Peace Council Jan 28, 1972 |
1972/01/28 |
250 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan delivered at the 7th Biennial Conference of GAWU |
1975 |
4265 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan for PAHO Conference - Democracy and Health - 1990 |
1990/10/21 |
1157 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in House of Assembly re: Rice Marketing Bill |
1965/05/22 |
4968 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in National Assembly- 1953 - We Harbour No Illusions |
1953/06/17 |
2583 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in National Assembly on 18 December, 1987 to mark 40th Anniversary of his entry in Parliament |
1987/12/18 |
2416 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in National Assembly on Grenada |
1983/10 |
310 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in National Assembly on the Issue of Venezuelan Decree of the Sea - July 17, 1968 |
1968/07/17 |
2299 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in Receipt of Soviet Award/ letter to Leonid Brezhnev |
1978/03/22 |
5786 |
Speech By Cheddi Jagan in Support of Angola |
1975 |
5868 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the Legislative Assembly Nov 3, 1961 |
1961/11/03 |
1108 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the Legislative Council on Motion re Export price of rice/ |
1949 |
2098 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the National Assembly - 1970/02/23 |
1970/02/23 |
912 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the National Assembly - April 15, 1966 |
1966/04/15 |
2418 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the National Assembly - US intervention in the Caribbean |
1983 |
602 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the National Assembly on Feb 2nd, 1969 |
1969/02/21 |
1185 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan in the National Assembly on May 26, 1966 (Independence Day) |
1966/05/26 |
1394 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on 1957 Election Victory also Broadcasted on radio |
1957/08/14 |
2268 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on 1976 Budget Debate |
1976/09 |
2090 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Angela Davis |
1972 |
1947 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on International Human Rights |
1968/03 |
2374 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Lenin's Birth Anniversary |
1981/04/22 |
1495 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on May Day 1990 at TUC Rally |
1990/05/01 |
2507 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Off-Shore Banking Bill -1986 |
1986/04/14 |
5607 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Peace |
1975 |
2508 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Bill 1986 |
1986/04/14 |
2509 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Playa Hiron - 1986 |
1986/04 |
6057 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Real World of Democracy |
1966/06/26 |
2655 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Receipt of Franz Fanon Freedom Award |
1989/09/01 |
2615 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on Revolutionary Thinking of Che Guevara |
1988/06/8-11 |
5618 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan on the Budget -1982 |
1982/04/02. |
2558 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan to 5th Caribbean Trade Union Conference - 1987 |
1987/05/22-24 |
1568 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan to Canadian Trade Mission |
1960s |
2665 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan to Elephant Forum |
1991 |
1826 |
Speech by Cheddi Jagan to GT Chamber of Commerce |
1957/10/29 |
752 |
Speech by Premier at Citizen's Dinner for Premier |
1961/09/16 |
6500 |
Speech by Premier at Dinner on April 1963 |
1963/04 |
795 |
Speech by Premier at Freedom Rally |
1964/02/09 |
193 |
Speech by Premier at Queen's College//Jagan - Courageous Fighter of No Mean Calibre |
1961/09/23 |
6612 |
Speech by Premier for the Opening of Electricity Plant - 1963 |
1963 |
772 |
Speech by Premier on Birthday of Prophet Mohamed |
1962/08/15 |
766 |
Speech by Premier to Legislative Council re. World Bank Loan Agreement |
1962 |
1062 |
Speech by Premier to the 1964 prize-giving ceremony of Queen's College High School |
1964/07 |
5384 |
Speech by Premier, Dr. Jagan at Queen's College - 1964 |
1964/11/27 |
4893 |
Speech by Premier, during the budget debate in the Legislative Assembly, 3rd April, 1962 |
1962/04/03 |
2714 |
Speech by President Jagan at 1994 Amerindian Conference |
1994/04/11 |
308 |
Speech by President Jagan at India's 43rd Republic Day |
1993/01/26 |
5539 |
Speech by President Jagan on Canada Day -1993 |
1993/07/01 |
5396 |
Speech By President Jagan on World Environment Day June 5, 1993 |
1993/06/05 |
957 |
Speech by the Deputy Premier on the occasion of the inauguration of the University of Guyana |
1963/10/01 |
1398 |
Speeches at opening of British Guiana Independence Conference 1962 |
1962/10/23 |
1820 |
Speeches of Cheddi Jagan - 1957 |
1957 |
5560 |
Spotlight on the Berbice River |
1961/06/17 |
195 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan |
1960s - early |
2506 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - April 11, 1986 |
1986/04/11 |
6822 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Elections Update - 1991 |
1991/10/16 |
2538 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Guyana on a Sell-out Path |
1986 |
2413 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Jan 16, 1986 |
1986/01/16 |
2497 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - July 19, 1983 |
1983/07/19 |
6763 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Loss of Control of US Senate by the Republican Party |
1986 |
2430 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - March 29, 1984 |
1984/03/29 |
2477 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - May 2, 1985 |
1985/05/02 |
6488 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Socialist World and the World Communist Movement |
1980s |
2560 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan - Support Arias Peace Plan |
1987/07/22 |
1845 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan challenging Mr. Gajraj |
1958 |
2554 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Death of PM Errol Barrow |
1987/06/02 |
1987 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Enoch Powell's Proposals |
1968/11/21 |
5720 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Financial Mission - 1959 |
1959/08/23 |
2581 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Historic Break Through - 1987 |
1987/12/09 |
4350 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on Racial Discrimination in Guyana |
1971/03/20 |
5639 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on The Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) |
1984 |
2363 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan on the New President and the Constitution |
1980/10/04 |
6866 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan re: British Tories |
1964 |
6867 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan re: Crime |
1950s late |
6868 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan re: Meeting with Burnham and D'Aguiar on Independence Question |
1962 |
2425 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan to Tass Correspondent |
1983/11 |
6809 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan to VOA - 1986 |
1986 |
586 |
Statement by Cheddi Jagan, Minister of Trade and Industry on Trinidad Mission |
1959/08/23 |
5707 |
Statement by His Excellency Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan After being Sworn in as President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana |
1992/10/09 |
4894 |
Statement by Leader of the PPP - Nov 10, 1964 |
1964/11/10 |
775 |
Statement by Premier - 1962/12/20 |
1962/12/20 |
5391 |
Statement by Premier - June 13, 1963 |
1963/06/13 |
782 |
Statement by Premier - June 15, 1963 |
1963/06/15 |
4685 |
Statement by Premier - June 20, 1964 |
1964/06/20 |
6889 |
Statement by Premier - July 7, 1964 |
1964/07/07 |
1641 |
Statement by Premier - July 24, 1964 |
1964/07/24 |
1064 |
Statement by Premier - Aug 1, 1964 |
1964/08/01 |
1643 |
Statement by Premier - Sept 17, 1964 |
1964/09/17 |
1067 |
Statement by Premier - Sept 5, 1964 |
1964/09/05 |
5520 |
Statement by Premier - Sept. 26, 1964 |
1964/09/26 |
5895 |
Statement by Premier - The Independence talks for British Guiana. |
1962 |
1413 |
Statement by Premier Dr. Cheddi Jagan to the Legislative Assembly on Friday, 10th May, 1963 |
1963/05/10 |
779 |
Statement by Premier for West German Television Documentary |
1963/04 |
5645 |
Statement By Premier on Feb. 9, 1962 |
1962/02/09 |
780 |
Statement by Premier on Funeral of Claude Christian |
1963/06/01 |
760 |
Statement by Premier re. Letter to Burnham |
1962/01 |
763 |
Statement by Premier to Legislative Council re. Plans for Violence |
1962/02/09 |
5430 |
Statement by Premier to the Legislative Assembly - 1962 |
1962/02/09 |
241 |
Statement by Premier to the Legislative Assembly - May 1963 |
1963/05/10 |
5180 |
Statement by President Jagan - National and Racial Unity: A New Beginning - 1996 |
1996/10/30 |
5380 |
Statement by President Jagan - Summit of the Americas |
1994/12 |
2767 |
Statement by President Jagan at 11th Conference of Non-Aligned Countries, Colombia |
1995/10/18-20 |
2798 |
Statement by President Jagan at 7th Inter-Sessional Meeting, Heads of Govt. Caribbean |
1996/03/01 |
5599 |
Statement by President Jagan at Conference on Sustainable Development |
1994/01/28 |
5304 |
Statement by President Jagan at Press Conference - 1994 |
1994/03/19 |
2820 |
Statement by President Jagan on Controversy over Address in Toronto 1996 |
1996/11/19 |
5642 |
Statement by President Jagan on Mash 93 Celebrations |
1993/01/29 |
5627 |
Statement by President Jagan on Sept 27, 1996 to the Press |
1996/09/27 |
119 |
Statement by President Jagan on Visit to SELA |
1993/02/17 |
2716 |
Statement by President Jagan to Global Conference Sustainable Development |
1994/05/05 |
721 |
Statement to the press by Hon. Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Hon L.F.S. Burnham on October 22nd 1953 |
1953/10/22 |
2127 |
Strategies of Planning for Social Transformation & Development in Newly Independent States |
1972/03/04 |
2143 |
Strategy for Economic and Social development |
1972-1973 |
2298 |
Struggle Against New Destabilising Policies of Imperialism |
1978/02/1-2 |
6859 |
Sugar Industry |
1953/03 |
2412 |
Summary of "Political thought in contemporary Caribbean |
1983/06/26-07/02 |
2154 |
Summary of Speech at TUC Symposium on Unemployment |
1973 |
4987 |
Take the Co-op Road |
1958/10/11 |
5816 |
The Abolition of Control |
1945/09/29 |
6575 |
The Anatomy of Poverty in British Guiana |
1964/11 |
4268 |
The Big Stick |
1960s early |
4964 |
The Blunt Facts about Banks |
1959/02/21 |
4451 |
The Blunt Facts about Banks//Keep Banks Price at 25c//Be Proud to Contribute |
1959/02/21; 1959/03/07; 1959/0 |
527 |
The British Guiana (Registration) Order 1964//the Registration Regulations 1964//Proclamation letter 1964 |
1964 |
1813 |
The British Road to Self-Government |
1956? |
1424 |
The Caribbean - Whose Backyard? |
1984 |
1870 |
The Caribbean and Centres of International Power |
1974/10/21-25 |
5870 |
The Caribbean as a Zone of Peace |
1980/07 |
2420 |
The Caribbean as a Zone of Peace (A) |
1983/11 |
2421 |
The Caribbean as a Zone of Peace (Booklet) |
1983/11/14-17 |
5587 |
The Caribbean Basin as a Zone of Peace |
1983/11/14-17 |
5915 |
The Caribbean Basin Plan |
1982? |
2408 |
The Caribbean Danger Zone |
1983 |
605 |
The Caribbean in 2000//Challenges and Opportunities |
1995/07 |
2435 |
The Caribbean is Repelling the Aggressive Course |
1984/07 |
140 |
The Caribbean Region, the year 2000 and beyond |
1994/06/6-10 |
1422 |
The Caribbean Revolution |
1979 |
2136 |
The Caribbean Revolution - Tasks & Perspectives |
1972/08/30-31 |
2481 |
The Caribbean Working Class - Its Present Aspirations |
1985/06/08-09 |
2441 |
The Cause of the Revolution will Triumph |
1984 |
2010 |
The CIA and its Subversive Activities in Guyana & USA |
1968 |
1376 |
The Coalition Exposed (Booklet) |
1967 |
6832 |
The Cold War, Latin America and the Non-Aligned Movement |
1980s |
703 |
The Cooperative Way |
1945/12 |
4 |
The Courier speaks to President Jagan |
1995/01 |
5467 |
The Economic And Social Crisis |
1991 |
2185 |
The Fascist Coup in Chile |
1973/06/16 |
2108 |
The February Revolt |
1970 |
2190 |
The Future as Seen after 25 Years of Parliamentary Struggle |
1973 |
2001 |
The Grand Conspiracy |
1968 |
2292 |
The Grenada Declaration and the Future of the West Indies |
1977 |
2378 |
The Guyana-Venezuela Border Issue |
1981 |
2379 |
The Guyana-Venezuela Border Row |
1981 |
2608 |
The Historic Martyrdom at Ruimveldt |
1988 |
456 |
The Ideological Struggle |
1957 |
2383 |
The IMF Takes Over Guyana |
1981/12 |
502 |
The Independence of British Guiana |
1963 |
5488 |
The International Situation |
1980s - late |
2171 |
The Mass Media in Guyana |
1973/02/08 |
2119 |
The Mounting Economic and Political Crisis |
1971 |
2836 |
The National Democratic State |
1996 |
5814 |
The Need For Consumers' Cooperatives; The Need for Consumers' Cooperatives (cont) |
1945/05/27; 1945/06/02 |
4637 |
The New Sugar Agreement |
1952/02 |
777 |
The P.R. Farce |
1963/03/22 |
1615 |
The Political Situation |
1986 |
5308 |
The Political Situation - 1989 - Report by Cheddi Jagan |
1989/12/16 |
5830 |
The PPP: Leading Force in the Transition to Socialism |
1969 after |
4708 |
The Presidency of Desmond Hoyte |
1989-1992 |
6830 |
The Principles and Goals of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) |
1980sr |
4250 |
The Progress to Independence for Guyana |
1966 |
800 |
The Racialists of Guiana |
1964/04/21 |
91 |
The Rape of Latin America |
1969 |
710 |
The Recall |
1946/09/07 |
1448 |
The Right to Vote |
1944/08/06 |
711 |
The Road to Serfdom |
1947/07/03 |
6624 |
The Role of Cuba in the Caibbean Community |
1970s |
2300 |
The Role of the Opposition in Developing Countries |
1978/04 |
2309 |
The Role of the Opposition in Guyana |
1978 |
2220 |
The Role of the Opposition in the Caribbean |
1974 |
1764 |
The Role of the Private Sector |
1985 |
514 |
The Role of the State and the Private Sector in Development |
1994/01/24 |
6754 |
The Role of the Trade Unions in the Caribbean: Retrospect and Prospect |
1970s - late |
1824 |
The Sick Man |
1957 |
6498 |
The Situation and Presence of East Indians in the Caribbean |
1990 |
1579 |
The Situation of the Revolutionary and Popular Movement in the Area |
1980s |
1493 |
The Soviet Union Leaps Ahead |
1971/04/20 |
2346 |
The State of the Free Press in Guyana |
1980/01 |
2239 |
The Struggle for a Socialist Guyana |
1975 |
4959 |
The Struggle for Venezuelan Independence and its Lessons |
1959/04/15 |
4653 |
The Struggles of the PPP for Guyana's Independence |
1966/05 |
1812 |
The Suez Canal issue |
1956/08/18 |
2114 |
The Truth about Bauxite |
1971/06 |
1805 |
The Truth about Guiana - Democracy on Trial |
1953/11 |
110 |
The USA in South America (1968). |
1968. |
109 |
The USA in South America : and other essays. |
1998. |
6827 |
The Vicious Circle of Poverty |
1962 |
58 |
The West on Trial: My fight for Guyana's Freedom |
2004 |
2526 |
The Working Class and Today's Problems |
1986/10/8-9 |
2039 |
The World Communist Meeting |
1969/10 |
2443 |
Theory of Vital Interests and Security Zones |
1984/10/15-19, |
2339 |
Thirty Years of Political Development |
1979 |
2241 |
Thunder Editorial - August 1975 |
1975/08 |
2771 |
Toast at Reception for Sam Nujoma of Namibia |
1995/10/26 |
1959 |
Toward Dictatorship in Guyana |
1968/06 |
2345 |
Towards a Revolutionary-Democratic Government in Guyana |
1980/03 |
6506 |
Towards a Socialist Caribbean |
1970s - late |
740 |
Towards Independence |
1958/06/05 |
5487 |
Towards Understanding - Address by Premier to National Press Club in Washington D.C. - 1961 |
1961/10/24 |
811 |
Tracing Our Path in a Changing World |
1990/08 |
2267 |
Trade Unions and National Liberation |
1976/10/15 |
4974 |
Trade Unions and Politics |
1959/02/28 |
2109 |
Transactions of the 16th Congress of the PPP |
1970/09/5-6 |
99 |
Transnationals Plunder Caribbean |
1977/06 |
715 |
Trespass Notice - May 20, 1949 |
1949/05/20 |
2697 |
Trial and tribulation in the Struggle for Independence in British Guiana |
1964 |
2439 |
Tribute by Cheddi Jagan to Indira Gandhi |
1984 |
2658 |
Tribute by Cheddi Jagan to Jawaharlal Nehru |
1989/11/13 |
2050 |
Tribute by Cheddi Jagan to Mahatma Gandhi |
1969/10 |
93 |
Trinidad Rebellion |
1971 |
5629 |
U.S. Takeover of Guyana |
1968 |
6883 |
UG Autonomy |
1996 |
2478 |
Unbelievable Capacity for Resistance |
1985/05 |
733 |
Union Busting-1954 |
1954 |
5829 |
Unite the People, Fight the Imperialists and their Lackeys and Save the Nation |
1970s |
2032 |
Unity and Ideology and Action |
1969/07/27 |
2405 |
Unmasking Enemies of the Guyanese People |
1982-1983 |
4601 |
Unofficial Notices by Cheddi Jagan in Legislative Assembly - 1949 |
1949/06/02 |
6755 |
US Cold War Strategy |
470 |
US Intervention in Guyana |
1966/05/29 |
1146 |
US Intervention Policies |
1965/12 |
5809 |
US Militarisation of Caribbean and Long-term Stability |
1985/01/17 |
1081 |
US on Trial in Guiana (1964) |
1964 |
1192 |
US Pressure was Decisive |
1966/06/26 |
2007 |
US Pushing Guyana Towards Dictatorship |
1968 |
4849 |
US Self-help |
1966/10 |
2424 |
USA Reactivates the Cold War (missing pages) |
1983 |
85 |
Uzbekistan and Iran |
1972 |
4271 |
Vicious Circle of Poverty |
After 1962 |
2294 |
Violation of Trade Union Rights in Guyana - Draft |
1977/07 |
2188 |
Virtual Army Coup in Guyana |
1973/08/24 |
938 |
Visit of the of the President and Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers/ |
1961/03 |
2091 |
Visit to Rupununi District |
1972/04/01 |
1996 |
Vote for Honest and Progressive Government |
1968/12 |
728 |
Waddington Constitution Exposed |
1952/01/18 |
4880 |
Wanted - A Minimum Wage |
1946/06/03 |
1827 |
Wanted a Central Bank |
1957-1960 |
1985 |
We Stand With the People |
1968/11/18 |
73 |
West Indian Statehood |
1971 |
722 |
Western Democracy is on Trial |
1953/11/01 |
1143 |
Western Democracy on Trial in British Guiana |
1965/11 |
2349 |
What does the Year 1980 hold for the Struggle in Guyana? |
1980 |
725 |
What Happened in British Guiana (1954) |
1954 |
6818 |
What is Democracy |
2670 |
What is to Be Done |
1989 |
2034 |
What the Future Holds for Guyana |
1969 |
6858 |
What's Behind the Mau Maus? |
1952/12 |
988 |
Which Road Shall We Take?//Pledge support for African National Congress |
1959/12/19 |
1645 |
Whither Development |
1966 |
4942 |
Who controls the Press and Radio |
1952/06 |
429 |
Why a Leninist Type of Party |
1974? |
5110 |
Why Did Castro Succeed? - Thunder Editorial |
1961/04/29 |
2591 |
Women in the Struggle for Peace, and Social Progress |
1987/03 |
6812 |
Workers! Comrades! Voters! Attend Political Meeting |
1947/10/24 |